I have to disagree with Iris Gordon's letter to the Forum titled "Down with daylight-saving time."
I have thoroughly enjoyed daylight-saving time, as have my six children, four of whom have been involved in baseball (Little League through college) for the past 20 years.As I see it, if it were not for daylight-saving time, many youths would find themselves with nothing to do for most of the spring and summer because regular Mountain Standard Time would allow for only half as many children to play ball. They can't even start practice or play much before five o'clock due to the work schedules of the many hundreds of volunteer coaches, umpires, etc. And without the extra daylight, only one game could be played daily instead of two.
Add all the hundreds of children involved in soccer, as well as their parents, coaches, etc., and you are sure to find great support for daylight-saving time.
Children can still be home and in bed by 9 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. if they have a late game, which is 8-10 hours of sleeping time if they're up by 6 a.m. to 7 a.m. in the morning.
Even if our children aren't involved in the above-mentioned sports, what a great opportunity to spend time with them during those extra hours. It's also a wonderful time to do yard work, go walking, etc.
Our physical clocks may need a few weeks to adjust to the time change, but overall, those complaining about daylight-saving time probably just need to adjust their attitude.
Muriel Wilson
South Jordan