"Now it's time for the big boys with the big toys," proclaimed Wasatch Constructors spokesman Greg Brooks as the major reconstruction of I-15 got under way Monday night.
Demolition of the 600 North viaduct spanning I-15 is the initial phase of the proposed $1.59 billion four-year reconstruction project. The heavy demolition began about midnight Monday."We wanted to have as minimal an impact on traffic as possible," Brooks said. "That's why we're working at night when traffic is at its lightest."
Freeway traffic was diverted around the 600 North viaduct through the night and early Tuesday morning. Crews began began clearing debris and reopening the freeway about 5:45 Tuesday morning. Traffic flow was back to normal by about 6 a.m.
"We accomplished everything we had hoped to tonight and I am very pleased," said the project's operations manager, John Leonard.
"We are taking down the viaduct in the reverse order that it was built so we began by removing the fencing and railing and taking off the deck. Last night we took the deck off the entire western half of the viaduct that spans the southbound lanes of the interstate and the onramp."
From there, crews will remove the viaduct's beams and finally the columns. The demolition is expected to take a week to 10 days.
Nearby residents seem to feel that the sooner the project is done, the better.
"I'm not looking forward to the next two weeks," said Jeff Medina, who lives near the 600 North viaduct. "I didn't get too much sleep last night."
"It was pretty noisy all right," added Joyce McDowell, who also lives nearby. "But what can I say? It's got to be done."
The portion of I-15 beneath the viaduct will be completely closed to traffic during the hours of 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. while the demolition is under way.
During those hours, northbound I-15 traffic will be rerouted to the 600 North offramp to 300 West. Motorists will reconnect to the freeway at the Beck Street on-ramp.
Southbound traffic will be redirected to the 900 West exit north of the viaduct and rejoin the interstate at the 600 North onramp.
When the demolition is complete, all four on-and-off ramps servicing the 600 North viaduct will be closed.
The portion of I-15 beneath the viaduct will return to normal and be completely open once the demolition is complete in a week to 10 days.