It appears light rail is here to stay if we want it or not. Even though it is viewed by a large percentage of the public as a taxpayers' burden, a headache that just will not go away.
I want to focus on one major detriment as recounted April 11 in the Deseret News under the heading of facts of light rail. It stated that 14 of 16 east-west roadways will be blocked every five minutes for 30 to 40 seconds.The state is in the process of spending 2.8 billion to improve traffic flow, then light rail comes along and stops traffic just as it's getting off the freeway every five minutes. Only for 30 to 40 seconds, they say, that's if there is only one car on the road. What about rush hour? I can foresee cars having to wait for two or possibly three light-rail trains to pass before getting across those tracks. Adding another 20 to 30 minutes to your daily drive.
If we must have light rail, they need to spend a few more million and do it right the first time. By putting light rail over all major east-west roadways, they would eliminate major bottlenecks for the daily commuter.
I know of only one way of preventing this major bottleneck from coming a reality, and that is by a major public outcry now before it is built. I suggest a letter-writing campaign. Write letters to your state senators and representatives, local city leaders, the governor, Utah Transit Authority, Utah Department of Transportation and any others you think may be able to make a difference. Get your friends and neighbors to do the same.
Make your voice heard before it's too late.
Ralph Bowen
West Jordan