Westminster College in Salt Lake City will award 465 diplomas during its 122nd commencement exercises Saturday, May 31.
The ceremony begins at 9 a.m. in the Dane Hansen Memorial Stadium on the college's Salt Lake campus, 1840 S. 1300 East.Speakers include the Rt. Rev. Carolyn Tanner Irish, bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Utah; Hyrum Smith, chairman of the board of Franklin Quest Co.; and former New Hampshire Gov. John H. Sununu. Westminster President Peggy Stock will preside.
Bishop Irish, the first female bishop in Utah and only the third to bear the title in the nationwide Episcopal Church, is also chairman of the O.C. Tanner Co. and a member of the board of the Shalem Institute for Spiritual Formation.
Before her ordination as bishop, Irish held positions at the National Cathedral in Washington, D.C., and was an associate priest at St. Alban's Parish.
She will be awarded an honorary doctor of divinity degree by Westminster.
Smith is a founder of the Franklin Institute, which today, as Franklin Quest Co., is an international training and consulting firm specializing in effective life management and personal productivity.
He is the author of "The 10 Natural Laws of Successful Time and Life Management," "Where Eagles Rest," "The Advanced Day Planner User's Guide," and co-author of "Excellence Through Time Management."
The recipient of numerous awards for community service will be honored with an honorary doctor of laws degree.
Sununu, a three-term governor, became White House chief of staff in 1989 and served in President George Bush's administration until 1992.
He will be awarded an honorary doctor of laws degree.