Chelsea Clinton has decided to go to Stanford University. Just so you know, Stan was not Gerald's brother.
- By going to Stanford, Chelsea will be about 3,000 miles from her folks. So she'll know how, politically, Newt Gingrich feels.- It costs about $31,000 a year to attend Stanford. When this country was young, whole colleges were started for less than that.
- Stanford was founded in 1891. To give you a sense of how long ago that was, both Bob Dole and Strom Thurmond were still newcomers to Washington then.
- Stanford is in Palo Alto on what used to be an 8,180-acre farm. That's probably big enough to grow cattle futures.
- About 14,000 students attend Stanford. Let's see. If Chelsea plans to sign 100 autographs a day for 140 weeks, she should flunk out by Christmas.