A new housing development bordering a southeastern neighborhood is being blamed for the flooding of at least two homes Thursday.
Heavy rains and the subsequent runoff from the hillsides on which Sunridge Hills is being built resulted in basement floods at the residences of Joe Strom and Steve Eastland, located on Slate Canyon Drive.The developer of Sunridge Hills, Steve Stewart, had installed drains in anticipation of runoff problems, but they were not large enough to contain the deluge. Stewart offered to pay for the damages to the homes and helped the Stroms and Eastlands bail out water and clean up Thursday.
Strom said he had about 1 1/2 inches of mud on the hardwood floor in his basement. Flooding in the Eastland's home damaged furniture and carpeting as water filled a window well and rushed through the basement and broke a window.
While the developer promised to dig a deeper drainage ditch, Strom and other neighbors believe that flooding is likely to occur again.