Your article "Salt Lake targets root of crime: pimps" (Tuesday, Sept. 16) begins with a misconception. Pimps are not the root of society's battle with prostitution - the male customers are. It is equally misleading to see the two photos in the report show the backs of two women (girls) as though they perpetrate their crimes in a vacuum. There is one short reference to a "john" who is caught and pleads to be released so that his family won't find out about his activities. There you have it, Salt Lake Vice Squad. Want to get rid of prostitution in Salt Lake City? Or anywhere else? Just arrest the johns and tell their wives and employers, and don't forget their ecclesiastical leaders. If you are truly serious about eliminating prostitution, look to the gentlemen consumers, not the deluded girls and women involved in a societal disgrace that has historically avoided targeting the real source of the problem.
Rosalie PrattProvo