A health fair for senior citizens that will offer free screenings for everything from flu shots to mammograms will be held Monday at the Sandy Senior Center, 9310 S. 1300 East.
The health fair will run from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., and spokeswoman Lynley Rowan estimates about 400 seniors will turn out for the event.There will be workshops on home health care, fraud, abuse, safety and the impact of pneumonia and flu on the elderly.
Free screenings to be offered include tests for skin cancer, blood pressure, Pap smears, mammograms, blood, hearing, vision and podiatry.
And seniors will have a chance to get those flu shots before the flu season hits.
The health fair is sponsored by the Sandy Senior Center in cooperation with "Concerned for Seniors," a group of local professionals that is active in senior health care issues.