There are always people in need in Davis County. Helping hands are welcome. If you would like more information about volunteering or you have volunteer opportunities, please contact the United Way of Davis County Volunteer Center and Information & Referral Center, 497-9111, weekdays, 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. or call one of the numbers listed below.
Volunteer to serve in disaster services, health and safety services, emergency armed forces services. Volunteers who can help with office administration are especially needed. Call Lauryn Miller, 627-0000.Deliver meals, help in the kitchen, be a front desk host, or teach china painting for the Autumn Glow Senior Center. Call Shirley at 544-1235.
Read to residents involved with Bountiful Health Care and Rehabilitation. Also, volunteers are needed to assist with activities and outings. Call Julie or Wendy at 298-2234.
Be an advocate through the CASA program to children who are abuse victims. Men and women who are multilingual are especially needed. Call Alene at 779-6529 for more information.
Serve as a volunteer coordinator for the food bank operated by Catholic Community Services. Volunteers are also need to answer telephones, do computer work and other services. Contact Yvonne at 394-5944.
Answer phones, file, do data processing, bookkeeping and general office work for the Child Care Foundation in Bountiful. Two people are needed and there is a chance they may become paid positions. Contact Karen at 298-2795.
Help victims of domestic violence through the Davis County Attorney's Office in Farmington. The office is looking for trustworthy, adult female volunteers. Call Heidi at 451-4300. Be a volunteer on the Friends Board for the Davis County Children's Justice Center. Help with fund-raising projects. Contact Doug at 451-3554.
Have your group conduct a food drive or volunteer individually to help restock supplies for the Davis County Food Bank, now located at 1449 N. 1200 West, No. 6 in Layton. An increase this summer for emergency food requests has deleted supplies. Call Roger at 773-071 for more information.
Participate in underage tobacco and alcohol buys in Davis County through the Health Department and under the supervision of law enforcement. Drug-free youths, ages 16-20 are needed. Contact Isa at 451-3398.
Work with students in the Davis School District. Call Edrice, 451-1285 after 2 p.m. or contact the school nearest you.
Provide English/Spanish interpretation for the Davis County School District Early Childhood Department. Up to nine hours a week per volunteer are needed. Contact Marsha at 546-7309, ext. 110.
Be an adult or junior volunteer for the Davis Hospital and Medical Center. Volunteers receive training and free meals. Adults should contact Marcy at 498-7767. Youths may contact Gloria at 825-9247.
Be a best friend to an 18-month-old girl, or a 6-year-old boy. If you have time to make a new friend, call Ann at the Easter Seal Society of Utah, 1-800-388-1991.
Volunteer to assist in a children's personal safety program at the Family Connection Center. Volunteers will be teaching children in classrooms. Training is provided. Contact Holly at 773-0712.
Facilitate support groups for children who have lost loved ones through death or divorce. Contact Barbara at the Family Summit Foundation, 394-3318.
Serve as an adult role model for Girl Scouts ages 5-17 in Davis County. Training provided with flexible schedule. Call Paula at 394-3077 or 1-800-781-0198.
Give time and support to children in need through the Hand in Hand Mentoring program in the Layton area. Contact Jennifer at 444-1746, ext. 3.
Deliver meals for Clearfield's Heritage Senior Center, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Morning help is also needed in the kitchen, plus a china painting instructor on Tuesdays and Fridays from 8:30-11:30 a.m. is in demand. Call Tracy at 773-7065.
Volunteer for CPR and computer work at the Hill Air Force Base Hospital in the morning and afternoon. Call Roy at 774-6642.
Spend time with terminally ill patients in their homes for the Hospice of IHC. Contact Trish at 399-1400.
Help make quilts, to be donated to battered women's shelters throughout the nation. Contact Pauline at 977-0444.
Assist adults with limited reading skills in Davis County for three hours a week. For training and information, contact Eileen at the Literacy Action Program, 521-9050, or Irene at 451-6848.
Assist with bulk mailing and clerical work in Layton at the LUPUS Foundation of America. Call Jean between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. at 593-0921.
Serve as a committee member for the Make-A-Wish Foundation of Utah to help with fund-raising, medical outreach and public speaking. Contact Lara at 1-800-860-9474.
Tend children once a month for 90 minutes while their mothers listen to a speaker at a Layton church. The MOMS Club of Layton needs two people to play with the kids on the second Thursday of each month, from 10-11:30 a.m. No diapering or feeding is required, but playing with the children is. Contact Susan at 771-9023.
Serve as a mentor for an Explorer Post. Contact Howard at 479-5460, ext. 240.