As recently as a couple of years ago, the top-selling computer game lists were dominated the role-playing games and the shoot-'em up action adventures that hard-core game players thrived on. Those titles are still among the best-sellers, but a number of activities and games aimed children are now flourishing in the marketplace.
The following are the top-selling computer games for Nov. 1-15, according to market research firm PC Data Inc.:
1. Deer Hunter II 3-D, GT Interactive
2. Blue's ABC Time Activities, Humongous (GT Interactive)
3. Barbie Riding Club, Mattel
4. MS Combat Flight Simulator, Microsoft
5. Blue's Birthday Adventure, Humongous (GT Interactive)
6. Rugrats Movie Activity Challenge, Learning Co.
7. Play With the Teletubbies, Cendant Software
8. Cabela's Big Game Hunter 2, Activision
9. MS Flight Simulator, Microsoft
10. MS Age Of Empires: Rise of Rome, Microsoft