NONREGIONOlympus 62, Hunter 52

Hunter (0-1) 7 14 13 18--52

Olympus (1-1) 13 18 7 24--62

Hunter -- Erickson 14, Lujan 5, Moore 20, Weteling 9, Stratton 4. Totals 16 14-17 52. 3-pointers -- Moore 2.

Olympus -- Wood 1, Jackson 18, Mullins 3, Preobrazhensky 3, Steenblik 32, Kimbrough 5. Totals 19 18-22 62. 3-pointers -- Jackson 1, Mullins 1.

Woods Cross 61, Ben Lomond 44

Ben Lomond 20 2 5 17--44

Woods Cross (1-0) 12 16 16 17--61

Ben Lomond -- Dollin 1, Jo. Bramley 1, Laughter 11, Johnson 9, J. Bramley 2, Barker 12, Hacke 8. Totals 16 9-15 44. 3-pointers -- Laughter 3.

Woods Cross -- Stock 12, Buchi 2, Larson 2, Evans 8, Beck 9, Smith 10, Lowe 3, Castelbury 5, McNeal 8, Conradi 2. Totals 27 4-13 61. 3-pointers -- Evans 2, Lowe 1.

Orem 57, Taylorsville 53

Orem (1-1) 18 13 9 17--57

Taylorsville (0-2) 12 13 14 14--53

Orem -- Gardner 4, Opunui 22, Ford 6, White 3, Chatwin 7, Summerfeldt 8, Adams 1, Schouten 2, McCleary 4. Totals 23 9-15 57. 3-pointers -- Opunui 1, White 1.

Taylorsville -- Ruiz 11, Johnson 6, Davies 9, Hales 2, Robbins 14, Allen 9, Milner 2. Totals 18 14-21 53. 3-pointers -- Johnson 2, Allen 1.

East 46, Spanish Fork 40

Spanish Fork (0-1) 9 9 14 8--40

East (1-1) 12 8 14 12--46

Spanish Fork -- Hales 2, Bingham 3, Hicks 7, Rothermill 5, Jenkins 5, Fife 8, Johns 10. Totals 16 5-11 40. 3-pointers -- Bingham 1, Hicks 1, Rothermill 1.

East -- Eyre 15, Waters 4, Adams 4, Hammer 10, Blaylock 11, Larsen 2. Totals 15 11-14 46. 3-pointers -- Hammer 2, Blaylock 3.

Rowland Hall 80, S.L. Christian 48

S.L. Christian (0-1) 10 6 12 20--48

Rowland Hall (1-0) 22 23 18 17--80

SLCA -- Gardner 2, Seevinck 3, K. Kligman 3, Wacht 14, Murfee 4, Micka 22. Totals -- 18 10-23 48. Three-point shots -- Micka 2.

RHSM -- Elliott 5, Hill 20, Sandberg 2, Wood 20, Andrews 5, Rasmusson 2, Olson 2, Goldsmith 7, Grudemo 17. Totals -- 32 6-11 80. Three-point shots -- Wood 6, Elliot 1, Hill 1, Goldsmith 1, Grudemo 1.

Jordan 57, Judge 42

Judge (1-1) 12 9 12 9--42

Jordan (1-1) 16 13 10 18--57

Judge -- Stepanek 4, Stone 2, Oswald 6, Acosta 6, Giovacchini 11, Parks 13. Totals 16 6-13 42. 3-pointers -- Giovacchini 1, Acosta 2, Oswald 1.

Jordan -- Sharp 6, Rollins 3, Chapman 4, Brown 24, Christensen 2, Ferri 2, John 16. Totals 22 8-13 57. 3-pointers -- Brown 3, Rollins 1, Sharp 1.

Granger 60, Cyprus 49

Granger (2-0) 19 12 13 16--60

Cyprus (1-1) 13 6 8 22--49

Granger -- Shaw 10, Meza 8, Christensen 13, Montoya 4, Thompson 16, Soelberg 4, Sperebon 5. Totals 20 18-28 60. 3-pointers -- Shaw 1, Meza 1.

Cyprus -- McCleve 5, Taylor 4, Ayala 3, Dorenbosch 6, Ellett 15, Martin 6, Olauson 10. Totals 15 13-21 49. 3-pointers -- McCleve 1, Martin 2, Olauson 3.

Skyline 66, Highland 51

Highland 10 10 10 21--51

Skyline (2-0) 16 13 10 27--66

Highland -- Smith 3, Moor 8, Sowby 14, Bruske 2, Aguirre 5, Blackham 4, Owens 10, Yates 3, Richards 2. Totals 17 13-22 51. 3-pointers -- Sowby 1, Aguirre 1, Owens 2.

Skyline -- Pearson 18, Ence 11, Nielson 3, Hatch 7, Gregson 17, Davis 4, Daivs 2, Taylor 4. Totals 20 24-30 66. 3-pointers -- Pearson 1, Gregson 1.

Hillcrest 69, Kearns 58

Hillcrest 13 17 20 19--69

Kearns 9 15 16 18--58

Hillcrest -- Lyon 11, Black 7, Hansen 22, Gillett 17, Nelson 6, Savage 6. Totals 23 20-31 69. 3-pointers -- Hansen 2, Black 1.

Kearns -- Wright 22, Reese 10, Mecham 7, Brown 7, Dalton 5, Fackrell 2, Nowers 5. Totals 21 8-9 58. 3-pointers -- Wright 3, Reese 2, Mecham 1, Brown 1, Nowers 1.

Ogden 69, Wasatch 67

Wasatch 12 11 21 23--67

Ogden 15 10 15 29--69

Wasatch -- Parker 6, Pitts 3, Coleman 19, Burton 6, Whitney 2, Haas 3, Morse 15, Vinsentin 13. Totals 18 25-36 67. 3-pointers -- Coleman 4, Burton 1, Morse 1.

Ogden -- Price 3, Burningham 5, Russell 13, Luke 6, Stevenson 19, Allison 19, Eliason 4. Totals 28 6-11 69. 3-pointers -- Price 1, Burningham 1, Russell 3, Stevenson 2.

Davis 61, Fremont 56

Davis 10 6 19 26--61

Fremont 7 8 14 27--56

Davis -- Pearce 13, Faevber 17, Barney 3, Shriver 7, Nelosn 2, Bleak 19. Totals 15 29-42 61. 3-pointers -- Bleak 2

Fremont -- Hannum 11, Hansen 4, Jensen 13, Beus 7, Bryan 4, Wayment 2, Cardon 6, Wilson 1, Schultz 8. Totals 17 19-31 56. 3-pointers -- Hannum 2, Cardon 1.

Grand Co.

74, Bloomfield, N.M. 34

No scoring summary available



Int. Christian 65,

S.L. Christian 24

S.L. Christian (0-2,0-2) 4 6 5 9--24

Int. Christian (1-1,1-0) 17 16 14 18--65

SLCA -- Vargas 8, Lightner 12, Micka 4. Totals -- 8 8-19 24. Three-point shots -- none.

ICS -- Boone 2, Blanken 8, Newhouse 2, Bebo 6, Feilner 6, Mahfood 5, Box 17, Staible 2, Armstrong 17. Totals -- 29 7-10 65. Three-point shots -- none.

Dugway 74, Mt. Vernon 30

Mt. Vernon (1-1, 1-1) 4 10 10 6--30

Dugway (1-1, 1-0) 16 17 23 18--74

Mt. Vernon -- C. Balfour 1, Harris 3, M. Nielson 6, C. Nielson 1, Hardin 2, Z. Balfour 10, Schmidt 4, Wong 3. Totals -- 11 8-20 30. Three-point shots -- none.

Dugway -- Rose 15, Alfors 8, Delatorres 2, Mullendore 1, Van 7, Kaighn 14, Weaver 27. Totals -- 34 6-10 74. Three-point shots -- none.

SL. Lutheran 41,

Waterford 20

Waterford (0-1) 5 4 2 9--20

SL. Lutheran 9 12 12 8--41

Waterford -- Cole 2, Anderson 2, Kennedy 16. Totals 8 4-11 20. 3-pointers -- none.

SL. Lutheran -- Price 6, Fischer 8, Bradfeld 6, Williams 4, Hart 6, Andrews 2, Leonard 9. Totals 19 3-5 41. 3-pointers -- none.

SL. Lutheran 41,

Waterford 20

Waterford (0-1) 5 4 2 9--20

SL. Lutheran 9 12 12 8--41

Waterford -- Cole 2, Anderson 2, Kennedy 16. Totals 8 4-11 20. 3-pointers -- none.

SL. Lutheran -- Price 6, Fischer 8, Bradfeld 6, Williams 4, Hart 6, Andrews 2, Leonard 9. Totals 19 3-5 41. 3-pointers -- none.


Highland 56,

Rowland Hall 37

Rowland Hall 9 11 12 5--37

Highland (1-1) 17 9 16 14--56

RHSM -- Orme 15, Thomas 4, Watchorn 1, Kasahara 8, Cornwell 9. Totals -- 14 6-13 37. 3-pointers -- Orme 2, Kasahara 1.

Highland -- Numbers 13, Peck 11, Rusell 2, Hastings 8, Tom 20, Lucero 2. Totals 25 6-9 56. 3-pointers -- Numbers 3.

Taylorsville 63, Cyprus 38

Cyprus (0-1) 5 10 9 14--38

Taylorsville (1-1) 17 7 16 23--63

Cyprus Ellett 21, Evans 4, Wolfgramm 2, Valamiau 8, Martin 1, Jones 2. Totals -- 9 18-25 38. 3-pointers -- Evans 1.

Taylorsville -- Worsham 12, Garn 10, Satterfield 10, Hurst 9, Carleton 3, Graziano 11, Vakalahi 6, Young 2. Totals -- 26 5-8 63. 3-pointers -- Garn 2, Graziano 1, Hurst 1, Carleton 1, Satterfield 1.

West 61, Provo 52

Provo (0-1) 10 11 11 20--52

West (2-0) 12 21 13 15--61

Provo -- Mills 14, Rose 17, Loveridge 11, Bondruaux 3, J. Brown 7. Totals 18 15-29 52. 3-pointers -- Mills 1.

West -- Tessman 3, VanWagoner 4, Robinson 15, Wright 10, Knolton 5, Stillman 5, Uesi 4, Olt 16. Totals -- 26 9-25 61. 3-pointers -- none.

Mtn. View 73,

Copper Hills 34

Mtn. View (1-0) 26 10 16 21--73

Copper Hills (0-2) 10 8 5 11--34

Mtn. View -- Thorn 21, Magelei 8, Dixon 1, Steele 8, H. Chessman 16, D. Chessman 8, Golovan 6, Mortensen 5. Totals 30 7-8 73. 3-pointers -- Thorn 5, Mortensen 1.

Copper Hills -- Rivetti 3, Groesbeck 8, Riley 6, Feroah 3, Smith 12, Sandberg 2. Totals 13 4-10 34. 3-pointers -- Rivetti 1, Groesbeck 1, Riley 2.

Layton 58, Bonneville 55

Bonneville (0-2) 12 12 8 23--55

Layton (2-0) 14 10 14 20--58

Bonneville -- Freeman 4, Boyce 3, Borchert 1, McDougal 9, Stireman 24, Dow 4, Barney 7, Gladwell 3. Totals 19 12-30 55. Three Point Shots--Stireman 3, McDougal 3.

Layton -- Knapp 4, Hazen 18, Patterson 16, Child 6, Davis 2, Lowry 8, Nalder 4. Totals 21 12-20 58. Three Point Shots--Hazen 3, Knapp 1.

Alta 78, Granger 30

Granger (0-2) 8 11 4 7--30

Alta (2-0) 12 20 31 15--78

Granger -- Rollins 4, Orgill 12, Holmes 2, Thomas 5, North 3, Christiensen 2, Doane 2. Totals 12 6-10 30. 3-pointers -- none.

Alta -- Shurtleff 4, Nelson 4, Logan 24, Hemenway 13, Caylor 8, Warner 5, Wiechman 5, Richter 12, Bonham 3. Totals 30 11-15 78. 3-pointers -- Logan 4, Hemenway 1, Richter 2.

Ben Lomond 43, Roy 24

Roy (0-2) 0 6 7 11--24

Ben Lomond (2-0) 7 13 6 17--43

Roy -- K. Miles 8, K. Hepner 2, Decaria 2, Unutoa 8, Baird 4. Totals 11 1-11 24. 3-pointer -- K. Miles 1.

Ben Lomond -- Child 12, Pollard 9, Dinsdale 7, Robinson 6, Washington 3, Broderick 2, Velasquez 2, Stephens 2. Totals 11 21-32 43. 3-pointers -- none.

Spanish Fork 59,

Granite 41

Granite (0-1) 11 15 7 8--41

Spanish Fork (1-0) 14 17 16 12--59

Granite -- Carmen 2, Pehrson 3, Kevern 9, Andruss 4, Sitaki 12, Strader 7, Price 1, Erickson 3. Totals -- 15 10-22 41. 3-pointers -- Sitaki 1.

Sp. Fork -- Bushman 2, Spadafora 2, Chipman 2, Wesson 11, Starley 2, DeHart 2, Beckstrom 8, Wilson 6, Glenn 10, Jones 13. Totals -- 23 11-20 59. 3-pointers -- Jones 1.

Weber 72, Bear River 50

Bear River (0-2) 10 10 10 20--50

Weber (1-0) 17 17 19 19--72

Bear River -- Fuhriman 9, Farner 13, Gibbs 19, Merrill 4, Rawlinson 5. Totals 21 8-21 50. 3-pointers -- none.

Weber -- Bailey 15, Hone 11, Green 6, Jones 21, Campbell 7, Pratt 8, Casperson 3, Humphreys 1. Totals 26 18-29 72. 3-pointers -- Jones 2.

Payson 46, Murray 40

Murray (0-2) 4 11 7 18--40

Payson (1-1) 6 12 11 17--46

Murray -- Petersen 6, Whitley 20, Jacobs 2, Brown 3, Nelson 4, Sanford 1, Andersen 4. Totals 10 8-16 40. 3-pointers -- Petersen 2, Whitley 2.

Payson -- Webster 6, Massey 18, Mitchell 9, Pittman 5, Ercanbrack 1, Evans 3, Tervort 4. Totals 16 11-18 46. 3-pointers --Tervort 1.

Pleasant Grove 49, Lehi 48

Pl. Grove (1-1) 11 18 10 10--49

Lehi (1-1) 12 7 15 13--48

PG -- Spence 11, Morrill 4, H. Morrill 1, Winger 2, Parks 5, Montano 8, Law 5, Francom 4, Thurgood 9. Totals -- 16 14-25 49. Three-point shots -- Spence 1, Thurgood 2.

Lehi -- Trane 9, Yates 20, Atkinson 8, L. Atkinson 4, Schmoyer 2, Hadfield 5. Totals -- 12 22-42 48. Three-point shots -- L. Atkinson 1, Trane 1.

Hunter 72, Timpanogos 53

Timpanogos (0-2) 14 11 5 23--53

Hunter (2-0) 16 18 14 24--72

Timpanogos -- Chaplin 2, Davies 18, Buzzwell 6, Vanpelt 16, Thomlenson 8, Ott 3. Totals 17 13-25 53. 3-pointers -- Davies 4, Vanpelt 2.

Hunter -- Hudson 5, Purcell 7, Slade 21, Kinikini 1, Harmon 10, Watts 4, Dangerfield 6, Toia 18. Totals 26 17-22 72. 3-pointers -- Hudson 1, Toia 2.

Lone Peak 71, Hillcrest 30

Hillcrest (0-2) 8 5 4 13--30

Lone Peak (2-0) 17 16 24 14--71

Hillcrest -- Walkenhorst 1, Langman 2, Nelson 6, Carpenter 4, Shields 3, Maxwell 4, Paulson 4, Beverly 2, Vasike 4. Totals 11 7-17 30. 3-pointers -- Nelson 1.

Lone Peak -- Thurman 3, Price 1, Quigley 8, Harr 18, Robinson 2, Wilkes 2, Long 10, Antonelli 3, Sitterud 6, Doxey 8, Hatch 2, Ferguson 8. Totals 24 18-34 71. 3-pointers -- Quigley 1, Harr 2, Long 1, Sitterud 1.

Union 60, Carbon 40

Carbon 8 12 4 12--40

Union (1-0) 14 7 9 30--60

Carbon -- Mays 11, Warburton 10, Stewart 2, Carlson 6, Hopes 3, Davis 10. Totals -- 15 12-21 40. Three-point shots -- none.

Union -- Morrill 10, Nielson 3, Hutchison 16, Labrum 2, Gardner 2, Richins 17, Chapoose 2, Mecham 6, McCarins 2. Totals -- 19 19-30 60. Three-point shots -- Richins 1, Hutchison 1, Mecham 1.

Skyline 39, Brighton 28

Skyline (1-0) 7 6 15 11--39

Brighton (0-2) 3 11 4 10--28

Skyline -- Handy 4, Hansen 5, Harris 8, Jensen 10, Schofield 3, Vandrulen 2, Voorhies 5, Whiting 2. Totals 12 9-15 39. 3-pointers -- Jensen 2.

Brighton -- Oswald 4, Felix 9, Davis 4, Johnson 2, Hanks 5, Thompson 4. Totals 12 4-8 28. 3-pointers -- none.

No. Sanpete 48,

Wasatch 41

No. Sanpete (3-0) 9 12 9 18--48

Wasatch (0-2) 8 10 7 16--41

No. Sanpete -- Hansen 12, Anderson 4, Palmer 3, Palmer 6, Rigby 9, Bailey 14. Totals -- 14 20-37 48. Three-point shots -- none.

Wasatch -- Hylton 6, Brown 2, Mahoney 4, Burgen 7, Davis 12, Ford 10. Totals -- 12 15-22 41, Three-point shots -- Hylton 2.

Mtn. Crest 57,

Northridge 46

Northridge (1-1) 9 17 4 16--46

Mtn. Crest (1-1) 14 17 10 16--57

Northridge -- Downs 5, Robinson 5, MacKray 2, Kerby 6, Olsen 5, Poll 2, Davison 3, Coates 6, Down 5, VuKim 2, Stratford 5. Totals 15 13-20 46. 3-pointers -- Stratford 1.

Mtn. Crest -- Holland 2, Gustaveson 8, Olsen 8, Bennett 5, Zilles 10, Williams 1, Thatcher 11, Hunsaker 12. Totals 20 14-29 57. 3-pointers -- Gustaveson 1.

Wayne 74, Gunnison 36

Gunnison 6 8 17 5--36

Wayne (2-1) 23 17 12 22--74

Gunnison -- Belnap 9, Mecham 10, Hansen 6, Frandsen 1, Monk 2, Edwards 8. Totals 12 9-23 36. 3-pointers -- Belnap 2, Mecham 1.

Wayne -- M. Ellett 9, Taylor 13 Cox 10, Jackson 4, King 4, Johnson 15, Peterson 2, N. Ellett 8, A. Taylor 4, Leavitt 5. Totals 27 20-24 74. 3-pointers -- none.

Beaver 58, Cedar City 48

Beaver (1-0) 10 14 16 17--58

Cedar City (0-1) 12 10 9 20--48

Beaver -- S. Bradshaw 24, Thomas 1, Yardley 2, Griffiths 2, Eyre 4, Wright 8, Marshall 2, Williams 8, D. Bradshaw 1, Gillins 6. Totals -- 18 19-29 58. Three-point shots -- S. Bradshaw 2, Gillins 1.

Cedar City -- Tom 8, Einfeldt 11, Newville 3, Payne 19, K. Matheson 6, Lunt 3. Totals -- 20 6-18 48. Three-point shots -- Einfeldt 1, Lunt 1.

Grand 39, Green River 38

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Green River (0-1) 8 10 16 4--38

Grand (2-0) 12 7 10 10--39

Green River -- Luke 6, Burrage 10, Nelson 6, Hughes 16. Totals 17 3-11 38. 3-pointer -- Nelson.

Grand -- Torres 2, Shumway 4, Nation 16, Arehart 3, Hodges 2, Olsen 12. Totals 20 1-5 39. 3-pointers -- none.

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