Auditions have been scheduled for several stage productions.

Friday, Dec. 4, from 5-7 p.m. in the American Fork City Hall, 31 N. Church St., for the American Fork Community Theatre production of "Nunsense II," scheduled to be performed as a dinner theater production Feb. 26-March 13.Those unable to make the scheduled auditions may call 768-8828 to arrange another audition time. The cast consists of women, ages 18 to 50. There are no male roles. Come prepared to sing. An accompanist will be provided. The musical comedy, a sequel to the off-Broadway hit "Nunsense," will be directed by Jan Shelton.

Wednesday, Dec. 9, at Hale Centre Theatre's dance hall, 3333 S. Decker Lake Drive (2200 West), for Equity and nonEquity roles as future replacements in both the Broadway and U.S. touring companies of "Cats."

Male and female dancers who can sing may sign up at 9 a.m. and should be warmed up (and wearing dance clothes) to be ready to dance by 10 a.m. Those auditioning for primarily singing roles can sign up at 11 a.m. for auditions beginning at noon.

"Cats" will be auditioning jazz/ballet dancers who sing well. There are several roles that require acrobatics. The cast is entirely multicultural. Singers should be prepared to sing an uptempo song and a ballad from the musical theater repertoire. An accompanist will be provided. Women who sing in the soprano range should be prepared to sing one of their songs in that range as well. Please bring your own sheet music, a photograph and a resume. Women should wear flat dance shoes.

Roles in the show that are primarily vocal are Grizabella (high belt to D flat); Griddlebone and Jellylorum (soprano to high C); Old Deuteronomy (lyric baritone to G sharp); and Gus and Growltiger (operatic tenor to B flat).

The auditions are being conducted by New York-based Johnson-Liff Casting Associates.

Wednesday, Dec. 9, at Hale Center Theater Orem, for Ruth Hale's "Five on a Honeymoon." All auditioners must call the theater at 226-8600 to schedule an audition time. Roles are open for men and women (motherly and fatherly types), women in their 20s, male and female teenagers, boys in the 10-year-old range and girls in the 6-year-old range.

Maureen Eastwood is directing the comedy. Play dates are Feb. 26-March 29.

Saturday, Dec. 12, from 9 a.m.-noon for "Something's Afoot," in the Salt Lake Community College Alumni Room, No. W-181, located across the hallway from the Grand Theatre on SLCC's South City campus, 1575 S. State.

Come prepared with 16 bars of a musical theater song. An accompanist will be provided. The production is a musical spoof of British murder mysteries. There are roles for six men and four women, 18 years of age and over. Play dates are March 5-20. Rehearsals will begin Jan. 15. Pat Davis, who retired last season as the Grand Theatre's artistic director, will direct this production.

To schedule a specific audition time, call the box office at 957-3322.

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Tuesday and Wednesday, Dec. 15 and 16, at two locations for the Egyptian Theatre Company production of Neil Simon's comedy, "The Prisoner of Second Avenue."

Auditions will be 7-9 p.m. on Tuesday, Dec. 15, in the Mary G. Steiner Egyptian Theatre, 328 Main, Park City, and 7:30-9:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Dec. 16, in the Rio Grande Design Building, 358 S. Rio Grande Ave., Salt Lake City.

There are roles for one man, 50-65 years of age and three women, 40-60. There will be cold readings from the script. Tony Larimer is directing the play, which will run Feb. 18-April 3. For further information, call 1-435-649-9371.

Information on stage productions or auditions must be submitted at least two weeks in advance. Compiled by Ivan M. Lincoln, Deseret News theater editor, 1-801-236-6017. Fax: 1-801-237-2550. Please do not send items via e-mail.

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