I cannot believe how biased, lazy and manipulative the newspeople are. I heard something on the national news (NBC's "Today Show") and the local radio news (570 KNEWS) that is just patently false. Just what is this? That the background checks given to potential gun purchasers were voluntary until the new law went into effect Nov. 30. That's a lie. Obvious and bald-faced. The background checks have been mandatory under the unconstitutional and ineffectual Brady Law. I was never asked whether I would submit to a background check when I purchased a handgun (a violation of the 4th Amendment against unreasonable search and seizure). Certainly if I was given the choice, I would say no. I have no reason to have a check done on me. I should be free to make a purchase anytime I want to. Period.
The local news people left out the most important part of this law change and the only reason to make it a story: Now even rifle and shotgun purchasers will have to submit to a background check. And people just will not believe "the camel's nose under the tent" story. Ask your local NRA member about that. Or better yet, ask your local handgun-control member about plans for the gun owners of America.
Garth Woolsey
West Bountiful