Rand E. Oertle (Readers' Forum, Nov. 30) has some serious esteem problems. First of all, just because I'm a Democrat who voted twice for Clinton does not mean I accept and tolerate his current behavior.
One thing that obviously escapes Rand's narrow thought process is that Clinton was not the only one involved in this sexual escapade. True, he'll take all the blame for it, but doesn't dear, sweet, innocent Monica play a role of responsibility at all? She knew what she was doing from Day 1, and that she's gone unscathed is a travesty. Not to mention a major setback for women and their role in society. Why is it just the man's fault and the woman gets nothing but publicity and fame?For the comments made about how I'm sitting in a cesspool of stench with Bill Clinton, all I can say is this: Get a life, Rand. Look beyond Springville and realize there's a big world out there.
The way our great nation has exploited and chastised the leader of our country is the most degrading thing I've seen in this charade of the blame game. What a joke we look like to other countries around the world. If you read any other commentaries at all, you would've noticed that internationally, people were disgusted with the American Congress and public and how we treated our leader, they were not as disgusted with Bill Clinton. You really need to wake up and smell the Postum. There was much more at stake, on a much grander scale, here then a few moral principals.
Stupidity like yours makes me wonder what's in the water in Springville. Something that convinced you that Chris Cannon would be a great congressman, obviously. That's the real laugh.
Charlie Christiansen
Salt Lake City