The city is considering changing its strict limits on billboards along I-15. Federal standards limit billboards to one every 500 feet. American Fork's standard is 800 feet.The city has also limited signs. For example, the Utah Valley Auto Mall has a lighted pole sign for the entire group of businesses. But other dealerships and companies claim they are facing reduced business because they don't have a sign and don't get the customer who pulls off the freeway. The city has directed the planning commission to create a new sign ordinance and will discuss it in upcoming meetings.


The city has put its commitment to trees into statute. The City Council this week passed an ordinance to create a Community Tree Commission and the position of a city forester.

The commission will be charged with maintaining a diversity of tree species to provide a sustainable "community forest." The forester will "have supervision of all public trees." The measure also makes it illegal to injure or remove any public tree. The new ordinance replaces and expands an older measure.


The Orem Recreation Department will be offering Junior Jazz basketball during the winter months. Games will be played on seven consecutive Saturday mornings, beginning Jan. 9, 1999.

This program is for boys and girls in grades 3-8. Cost is $32 for grades 3-6, and $37 for grades 7 and 8. Registration will be taken until Friday, Dec. 4, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., at the Orem Fitness Center, 580 W. 165 South. For additional information call the Fitness Center, 229-7455.


Centennial Middle School students got all tied up for Christmas.

Nearly 40 quilts were tied by the 12- to 14-year-old students at the Provo City School District School to be given to poverty-relief organizations. Each homeroom class designed a quilt and stitched the pieces together in November.

"Our students receive so much from the community and have wonderful opportunities," said teacher Krista Thornock. "It is important for them to recognize that they can also help to make a difference for those who are less fortunate."


A Christmas concert featuring the combined community choirs of south Utah County will be held Sunday.

The 7:30 p.m. concert will be at the Santaquin Utah Stake LDS church, 90 E. 200 South. Craig Evans will direct the 60-voice choir with accompaniment by Karen Rowley. There is no admission charge.


A zone change request to allow a mini-storage business in a residential area was rejected Tuesday. The City Council followed the recommendation of the Planning Commission in turning down Chip Farnsworth's bid to change the zone on 2.5 acres on south Main Street near the city limits from a rural residential zone to commercial use.

Several neighbors also spoke in opposition, citing traffic concerns. The area has no sewer or water services, Greg Comstock, city planner, said, adding that Farnsworth's request was premature as to how the area may develop.

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Fire engines and a parade of cars last month welcomed home the award-winning Springville High School marching band and color guard from the Grape Bowl Classic. Springville's band won top honors at the competition in Lodi, Calif., winning five trophies against 30 bands. They were judged in parades and on the field. Band teacher Bryan "Doc" Tobler said the performances "brought the house down."

"California audiences are very responsive," Tobler said. "They come to watch the show. The crowd rewards a good performance."

Got news? Call the Deseret News Utah County Bureau at 437-7600 or fax your information to 437-7624.

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