I am tired of hearing about the "Do-Nothing Congress." I admit they were completely outfoxed on budget issues in 1997 and 1998. Their votes did not make them look very good. I would like to remind the liberal free press and media there were four very important votes for the people in the last part of the session that received the silent treatment from the media. All four votes should have been front page news and issues discussed on the evening news and talk shows.
On Aug. 5, by a vote of 417-2, the House passed an amendment by Congressman Jim Kolbe to prohibit the president from implementing Executive Order 13083. This order was the president's and Al Gore's definition of federalism. It would have given new meaning to the word.We have been hearing for more than a year about how important it was to give our brilliant president the authority to make "fast track" trade treaties. On Sept. 25, the House rejected that idea by a vote 243-180. That was a vote for the people and against the international bankers and promoters of the New World Order.
In September, the House voted against the president's pet project of leasing the Long Beach Naval Station to Red China. In the last days of the session, the Senate told the president he could not implement any of the Kyoto (earth warming) Treaty without the consent of the Senate. Because of this cover-up, he has gone ahead and signed the treaty without Senate consent.
This "Do-Nothing Congress" voted four times in the closing days of the session for the people instead of the international bankers. By keeping silent, it can affect voting as we have seen.
I would like to compliment Chris Cannon on his stand on the vital issue of impeachment since he held the town meeting and found out how the people really feel.
D. Lynn Crook