One way to maintain spirituality is not to necessarily hold onto the regime of your mission, but to hold fast to the principles that you have learned and applied. Two hours of study may be unrealistic with new demands on your time, but study itself is always realistic. Pray every day; give thanks for your successes; ask for strength through challenges. While the nature of your activities may change, the principles by which you deal with them should stay the same.Establish dating rules for yourself immediately and stick by them rigorously.
In addition, be in very frequent contact with your priesthood leaders as they will guide you. Don't let them forget about you. -- Dean Weedon, Cheltenham, England
The following are 10 missionary habits that can easily be continued even though full-time service is no longer required:
Continue to read the scriptures daily.
Continue to fervently pray daily for the Spirit, for friends, for neighbors and associates.
Continue to plan your weeks effectively.
Continue to share the gospel at the drop of a hat. Tell anyone who will listen about your mission and your missionary experiences.
Continue to set specific goals (daily, weekly, monthly, etc.), especially in areas of spirituality.
Continue to record personal spiritual experiences in daily journal entries.
Ask the bishop for a calling.
Continue to keep the Sabbath day holy.
Continue to plead with the Lord for spiritual strength.
Continue to serve. Magnify callings, volunteer, go on missionary splits, do service projects, visit hospitals, etc. -- Jeff Erickson, Gilbert, Ariz.
We all know that spiritual strength is a by-product of having the continual companionship of the Holy Ghost, so we must continue to do those things that are conducive to the Spirit. The following are five things that can be done:
Study. On our missions we are given two hours every day to study the scriptures. Most of us won't have two hours every day, but we can read the Book of Mormon for half an hour every day.
Pray. The spiritual strength we seek is a gift of God and like all gifts of God, we must ask for it. Plus, if we do not continue our relationship with our Heavenly Father, we must expect a diminishing of His Spirit.
Have charity. In the mission field, we learn that we must have a love of all people. Our petty disputes can drive the Spirit away and leave us open to the buffetings of Satan.
Give service. Lend a helping hand. "When ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God." (Mosiah 2:17.) And, of course, service to God brings the Spirit.
Be obedient. We must keep ourselves worthy of the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost.
In short, we must live the way we taught our members and investigators to live. -- Daniel Southwick, Kingston, Jamaica
Don't be in a big hurry to go back to the life you had before your mission. Keep the good habits you have formed. Let your adjustment come slowly. I suggest the following:
Continue the gospel study in the scriptures you have been doing.
Have a meaningful goal such as school or work. After working intensely every day for 18 to 24 months, you can't just "hang out."
Find opportunities to talk about your mission.
Maintain friendships with your companions, fellow missionaries, investigators, converts and members from your mission.
Continue praying for your mission president, your mission and the people you served.
Avoid dress or grooming that appears immature or rebellious.
Get into institute.
Go to the temple regularly, if at all possible. -- Janet D. Reber, Sandy, Utah
When I served in the Nigeria Port Harcourt Mission, I was told by my mission president that in order to maintain a spiritual strength throughout my mission I must obey the rules and regulations in the missionary handbook and read my scriptures. The day I was released as a full-time missionary, my mission president again advised me to maintain my standards and read the handbook and the scriptures even though I am no longer a full-time missionary. This has really helped me to maintain my spiritual strength. -- Charles Nwachukwu, Lagos, Nigeria