Regarding your Nov. 29 editorial, "Move, don't cap, Atlas tailings," I do not understand how intelligent people responsible for the dissemination of factual information can misstate the facts about an issue that has been a matter of public debate for five years -- unless perhaps such reporting is intentional.
Over these past several years, Atlas Corp. has made its management accessible for interviews, provided briefing documents and met with your editorial review board concerning the controversy surrounding its plan to cap the uranium tailings pile located near Moab on its privately-owned property.The "Opinion" that was published Sunday, Nov. 29, clearly indicates that such efforts are meaningless and a waste of resources. But, perhaps, this is only the case if the source of information is the business entity. No doubt there are other sources that can corroborate the misinformation in your editorial.
I think I can safely say your readers prefer that you get the facts straight, even if it is an opinion.
Richard E. Blubaugh
Executive vice president
Atlas Corp., Denver, Colo.