A theme of love, support and strong family ties was expressed through word, dance and song at the black community Governor's Initiative on Families Today (GIFT) Young Achievers Conference Saturday at the Salt Lake Hilton Hotel.
The event was sponsored by the Utah Black Advisory Council with support from the state Office of Black Affairs. Council members report to the governor regarding issues of concern within the black community.The purpose of the conference was to recognize area high school students for outstanding achievement in academics, athletics and leadership while stressing education and love within the family.
"All the world's problems can be solved by God's love," the Rev. Corey J. Hodges, pastor of the New Pilgrim Baptist Church, told some 300 participants. "If we could just get the love back in our families, this would be a better world to live in."
Crime and hate seem to be taking over in the world today, said Hodges. "We must never forget that love is the key -- love is the answer."
Grace Jones, president of the College of Eastern Utah, stressed that success comes through education. "You haven't finished school until you've finished college," said Jones. "You have to go to college in order to be a part of the future."
Judge Tyrone Medley of the 3rd District Court spoke on the importance of support and training that happens within the family. "My life and career would not be the same if not for the support of my family," said Medley. "My family was poor in material gain but rich in values. They always made me feel secure and loved."
It's sad to see the lack of discipline and home training of the people coming through his court, Medley said. "Youth today must have consequences for their behavior because that is how they will be treated in the real world."
Medley admonished the youths to have courage to say no to drugs, alcohol and gang activities. "There are no limits on what you can be," said Medley. "You have to believe in yourself."
Lt. Gov. Olene Walker presented the Young Achiever awards. "You are the leaders of our communities," Walker said. "You are the leaders of our state."
Walker encouraged the students to look for ways to serve their families and neighbors. "Success is not power, it is not grandiose, it is not material things -- it is service to others."