For the tenth year running, Orem has received the highest rating possible, "a clean opinion," from the independent auditing firm that checks the books every year.Jeff Peterson, representing Grand Thornton Accountants and Management Consultants, told the City Council Dec. 1 that a Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting has been included in the report for the fiscal year ended in June 1997. "The city is living within its means," Peterson said. "It's not perfect but excellent. The staff and council should be commended for using foresight, planning and proper procedure."
The city is in good financial health even though some departments overran their budgets. That was the conclusion reached last week after an independent auditor reported his findings on the city's last fiscal year budget as of June 30.
"The city's very healthy, and we're heading down some good paths," said city administrator Andy Hall. However, public safety, highway and the park and recreation departments overran their budgets, auditor Kim Peterson said. The public safety department had a $38,000 deficit, while the highway funds were down $89,000 and parks and recreation went over $23,000.
Mayor Lewis Billings is recommending the city bond for $8 million to pay for several sorely needed storm-drain projects. Billings said the city can no longer take a piecemeal approach to eliminate chronic flooding, particularly west of I-15. The lack of adequate storm drains is inhibiting the city's ability to grow, he said.
A revenue bond, the mayor said, would allow the city to more quickly solve the problems. It will take about three years to complete the initial $8 million worth of proposed projects. City officials have estimated it will cost at least $25 million to improve the storm-drain system citywide.
Josh Chandler and Sundan Bradbury are encouraged to talk in class. The two Spanish Fork High School students honed their debate skills enough to earn honors at a debate competition at the University of Southern California at Los Angeles.
Chandler, winner of a second-place trophy in the Lincoln-Douglas debate forum, and Bradbury, who placed fourth in the individual category, competed against students at 49 schools from Washington, D.C.; Illinois; Utah; Texas; California; Nevada; and Arizona.
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