Monica Lewinsky needs a legal defense fund just like the president, her lawyer said Sunday.
"I would welcome" a responsible law or accounting firm's coming forward to create a fund "like the one that's helping President Clinton out," attorney William Ginsburg said in responding to questions on NBC's "Meet the Press."While "I'm not looking personally for anybody's sympathy," he said, "I am not being paid appropriately, and her father has limited resources."
Ginsburg said Lewinsky has no current plans to write a book about her Washington experiences but that "a literary effort may be her only choice" ultimately.
A medical malpractice lawyer, Ginsburg has represented doctors in high-profile cases such as the deaths of entertainer Liberace and Loyola-Marymount basketball star Hank Gathers.
Lewinsky's father, Dr. Bernard Lewinsky, whom Ginsburg has rep-resented for 25 years, has said Whitewater prosecutor Kenneth Starr has spent tens of millions of dollars trying to build a case against the president, "and there's me. Out in the middle of nowhere, I'm supposed to fight this battle."