All kids that I have ever met love to make things. Here is a project they can get absorbed in and will use their creativity in the process. Bread Clay Egg Critters are simple and inexpensive to make.

Bread clay egg critters

Wooden eggs are best for this project because they won't break and they won't spoil.

8 slices day-old bread

1/2 cup white craft glue

Wooden, hollow or hard-cooked eggs

Acrylic paints

Small brush


Clear varnish spray

Cut the crusts off the bread slices. In a large bowl, break the bread into small pieces. Add glue a little at a time, kneading with your hands until a smooth, clay-like mixture is formed. This kneading process will take 15 to 20 minutes.

Apply hand lotion to keep the clay from sticking to your hands. Shape these cute characters, or use your imagination to create some originals. Allow to dry overnight, then paint with a small brush. When completely dry, spray with a clear varnish to seal.


Pinch off a piece of bread clay and flatten into a turtle shell that is about 3-by-5 inches and 3/4-inch thick. Press and glue an egg into the center of the clay. Shape feet and head on the turtle. Make holes for eyes with a toothpick.


Shape duck feet from bread clay. Glue an egg on top of the feet to form the duck's body. Shape small pieces of clay into wings, head and bill, and glue them to the egg.

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Shape bread clay into bear feet. Glue an egg on top. Shape ears, head and paws from clay and glue in place.


Shape a head, back and tail from bread clay to resemble the dinosaur of your choice and glue onto an egg.

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