There are always people in need in Davis County. Helping hands are welcome. If you would like more information about volunteering, or you have volunteer opportunities, please contact the United Way of Davis County Volunteer Center and Information & Referral Center, 497-9111, weekdays, 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. or call one of the numbers listed below.

Be a volunteer board member for the American Cancer Society of Davis County. Interact with retail outlets on tobacco product control, present programs in the school and the community, plan fund-raising events and serve as a liaison with physicians. The board also needs help planning the Relay for Life event, scheduled for June. CallDonna at 393-8657 or Dan at 546-5251. Call Tracy at 774-7280 for information about the relay.Volunteer for training with the American Red Cross of Northern Utah. Call Melanie at 627-0000.

Deliver meals, help in the kitchen or teach china painting for the Autumn Glow Senior Center. Call Shir-ley at 544-1235.

Be a friend and advocate to assist a 30-year-old mildly retarded, disabled woman through the ARC. Call Sherry at 299-9788.

Help deliver food to the elderly and homebound. Also help in the food bank and teach people how to budget money or to find low-income housing. Contact Catholic Community Services, Yvonne at 394-5944.

Read to residents involved with Bountiful Health Care and Rehabilitation. Call Shirleen or Penney at 298-2234.

Be an advocate to children who are crime victims through the CASA program. Men and women who are multilingual are especially needed. Call Jennifer at 779-6521.

Volunteer to lead the Literacy Volunteers of America I Can Read Program at Centerville Elementary School. Contact Karen at 292-6204 or Carole at 299-2004.

Help the homebound, elderly or the terminally ill through the Community Nursing Service and Hospice of Davis County. Call Sherry at 461-9500.

Assist with crisis calls, provide support for victims of domestic violence and maintain grounds at the Davis Citizens' Coalition Against Violence. Call Susan at 444-3191.

Assist victims of domestic violence. Trustworthy, adult female volunteers are needed. Call Ellen at 451-4300 or 776-3163, ext. 4300.

Be a volunteer truck and forklift operator at the Salvation Army Thrift Store, 325 W. 1300 North, Sunset. To volunteer, call 773-0712.

Work with students in the Davis School District. Call Edrice, 451-1285 after 2 p.m. or contact the school nearest you.

Be a best friend to a 13-year-old boy. If you like children, have spare time and like computers and outdoor activities, call May at the Easter Seal Society of Utah, 800-388-1991.

Help children through the grieving process from death or divorce through the Family Summit Foundation. Call Teigler at 394-3318.

Volunteer for the crisis nursery at the Family Connections Center. Ages 18 and older. Call Kay at 773-0712.

Coordinate safety classes for Davis County high schools. Call Suzanne at 654-5095.

Serve as an adult role model for Girl Scouts ages 5-17 in Davis County. Training provided with flexible schedule. Call Paula at 394-3077 or 800-781-0198.

Deliver meals for Clearfield's Heritage Senior Center, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Morning help is also needed in the kitchen and a teacher for a porcelain doll making class is also being sought. Call Tracy at 773-7065.

Spend time with the terminally ill in their homes. Contact Hospice of IHC. Call Theresa at 622-5124.

Read to adults with limited reading skills. Call Eileen at 521-9050.

Assist with bulk mailing and clerical work in Layton. Call Suzanne between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. at the LUPUS Foundation of America, 593-0921.

Be a mentor for Explorer Post 600, through the North Davis Rotary. Contact Howard Whiteway at 479-5460, ext. 240.

Play and work with children younger than age 6 at Our House, Homeless Children's Foundation. Call Carina at 596-9366.

Be an adult or junior volunteer for the Davis Hospital and Medical Center in Layton. Volunteers receive meals and training. Contact Marcy at 773-8506 and youth volunteers should call Gloria, 825-9247.

Donate a new or used wheelchair to the Pioneer Adult Rehabilitation Center. Contact Robert at 774-7478.

Provide glaucoma screenings for the Prevent Blindness Utah Society. Call Kari at 524-2020 for information about training.

Assist the Rape Recovery Center by providing support and advocacy to victims of sexual assault and domestic violence victims. Call Peggy at 394-9456.

Help with the portable gift shop at Clearfield's Rocky Mountain Care. Take the gift shop cart to residents' rooms each afternoon. Call Barb or Julie at 773-6553.

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Help the Salvation Army in its store and warehouse. Call Peggy or Marlene at 621-3580.

Assist with evening crafts, entertainment or birthday cards at the South Davis Community Hospital. Call Jenifer at 295-2361.

Be a mentor two hours per week to provide encouragement to an emotionally devastated man who lost his family in a car accident. Call Lance at the Travelers Aid Society Employment program, 359-4142, ext. 531.

Provide library reference services and manage artifacts. People with sewing skills to work on a textile collection are especially needed. Contact Utah Historical Society, Cheryl at 533-3517.

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