Age: 42Where born: Salt Lake City
Family: Wife, Donetta Sue (Lloyd) Brewer; 5 children
Education: B.S. in Computer Science, Utah State University
Primary product: Computerized test development. Certification program development.
Primary markets: Information technology companies.
Number of employees: 14
First "real" job: TV repairman, Lynn's TV in Logan.
Management style: I'm the type of manager that lets his people act and think for themselves.
Strategy for success: Keep at it. Seek new challenges. Grow better or grow stale.
One lesson I've learned from my line of work: Often, in winning a contract, people promise things they cannot deliver. It's better to promise a great level of service, then delight the customer by delivering even better service.
Heroes: My parents.
Leisure time and hobbies: Constructing electronic projects, reading, woodwork.
Favorite book and movie: "Swiss Family Robinson."