Local voters won't have to spend a lot of time making choices when they step into Tooele County polling booths Tuesday.

If fact, they'll only have two decisions to make.One will be whether to approve a "voted leeway" tax increase for Tooele County School District.

And the other will be to select the two finalists who will square off in November for the county commission seat currently held by incumbent Lois McArthur.

Key issues in the coming election include what many residents are calling "runaway residential growth," recreation opportunities, economic development and nuclear waste storage.

Four candidates are running for Commission Seat B including two Democrats, McArthur and political newcomer Vicki Griffith, and two Republicans, Brent "Husk" Crowther and Dennis Rockwell.

Commission Seat A also will be up for grabs this fall, with incumbent Republican Teryl Hunsaker facing a challenge from Democrat Robert Swan in November.

Lois E. McArthur (D)

Age: 62

Address: 295 Upland Dr., Tooele

Occupation: Incumbent commissioner, Tooele County

Personal: Husband, Hal McConnell, and four children.

Experience: 20 years as chief deputy Tooele County treasurer.

Growth: "It's going to come whether we want it or not, and our best bet is to manage it wisely through zoning and through a flexible general plan that can be changed as needed."

Recreation: "Recreation is a top priority for Tooele Valley and that's the push behind our development of the Deseret Peak Complex. We've also made improvements in Settlement Canyon for a county park."

Economic development: "I would like to see our tourism industry developed more, and we're hoping the Deseret Peak complex will help draw tourists.

Nuclear storage: "We may get it regardless of what the Legislature or governor thinks. I don't want it stored here without monetary rewards the county can use for roads, schools and law enforcement."

Other: "I think I've made a positive contribution and projects have been started that I would like to see through to fruition."

Vicki Griffith (D)

Age: 45

Address: 487 Ontario, Tooele

Occupation: Self-employed real estate broker

Personal: Two children

Experience: Former president of Tooele County Chamber of Commerce and Tourism, serves on State Task Force on Domestic Violence, advisory board for Tooele Children's Justice Center.

Growth: "We must prevent runaway residential development. New subdivisions sprout up overnight without concern for losing farmlands and open space. We need more infrastructure before allowing any more subdivisions, and we need a comprehensive growth plan."

Recreation: "Deseret Peak Complex is too big and it's going to cost a lot to keep it going. Many citizens feel it's overdone. I realize the need for recreational facilities, but this was a little too much."

Nuclear storage: "The present commission is negotiating with Private Fuel Corp. to accept spent fuel rods at the Goshute Reservation, and I'm totally opposed."

Economic development: "I'd look at avenues for a nice clean industry for the Goshutes. Something that doesn't glow in the dark."

Other: "We need more law enforcement officers, and we need to develop programs to strengthen crime prevention and community participation."

Brent E. "Husk" Crowther (R)

Age: 30

Address: 367 W. Apple St., Grantsville

Occupation: Civil environmental engineer for Sunrise Engineering.

Personal: Wife, Marina, and one child.

Experience: Served three years on the Grantsville Planning and Zoning Commission, ran unsuccessfully for the City Council.

Growth: "We need a balance, managing growth so we can control it but also allowing people to exercise their property rights. And we need to ensure the public does not help line developers' pockets."

Mitigation money: "A lot of west desert mitigation funds are going to the Deseret Peak Complex. That's a positive thing, but a broader distribution of those funds is advisable. The county ought to redistribute a portion of that money to cities to fund their own infrastructure improvements."

Nuclear storage: "The state has intervened in the nuclear waste situation and largely removed it from the county's jurisdiction."

Economic development: "I'm interested in diversifying our industrial base. Tooele County is ripe for industrial development and we need more environmentally friendly businesses.

Other: "I understand the county has a pretty high tax rate. If that's the case, I'm interested in relieving the tax burden on citizens."

Dennis L. Rockwell (R)

Age: 45

Address: 231 S. 200 West, Tooele

Occupation: Industrial education teacher for the Tooele County School District.

Personal: Wife, Maria, and four children

Experience: 22 years in Boy Scouting

Growth: "We must control growth and make sure we have the water and the necessary infrastructure and services to handle it, such as roads and law enforcement. I'm concerned about polluting our aquifers with too many wells."

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Recreation: "We need recreation facilities youth can access. The center they're building at Deseret Peak is inaccessible because it is five to six miles from any community. Most youth won't be able to get there unless they can drive."

Mitigation money: "Mitigation funds being used for Deseret Peak could have been used differently. The money could have been given to communities to let them develop their own recreation centers."

Nuclear storage: "I would hate to see any more nuclear waste come into our county."

Other: "There's been a communications breakdown between the commission and the public. I would like to see them be more accessible and meet in the evening."

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