For the week of June 21
Fertilize bedding plants
Cool, wet weather has left many bedding plants looking less than perfect. Recent cool temperatures have interfered with the root growth and prevented plants from taking up nutrients. As temperatures warm, the problem should correct itself. To help the plants green up and grow faster, fertilize with a soluble liquid plant food.
Seeing spots on apricots?
Purple spots on apricots are common this spring. They are caused by a fungus called coryneum blight. Once you see the spots, it is too late to control. The apricots should be sprayed at shuck fall or when they are about the size of a pea. Spray with copper to protect the fruit if the weather is cool and wet in the spring.
Corn and cool weather
Another weather related problem is germination of corn seed. Many gardeners have had poor germination because the soil has been too cold. The problem is more serious with the new super-sweet varieties. If the seed has been in the ground for several weeks and is not growing, you will need to replant.
Thursday, June 25: James Horrocks discusses "Hardy Ferns for Utah Gardens," Red Butte Garden, noon.
Thursday, June 25: Learn about the natural history of the foothills around the University of Utah. 6 p.m., Red Butte Garden.
Thursday, June 25: Utah Hermerocallis Society's potluck and garden cleanup, 7 p.m., Sugarhouse Garden Center, 1602 E. 2100 South. Call 355-6947.