Here's a compendium of tips and tricks from Home & Garden Television:
Saving string:
If you sew a lot, fabric scraps can quickly consume all available storage space. Just save leftover fabric that's 1/4 of a yard or larger, except for leather scraps. You'll have lots more storage space and won't miss what you don't have.
- Sew Perfect
Drip dry:
Leftover paint in a can often dries out before it's time to repaint. To prevent this from happening, try this: Cut a circle of wax paper to fit inside the paint can. Then lay the paper directly on the paint.
- HGTV Home Improvement Tips
Handling your paint:
Paint cans can be hard to hold while you're painting, but you can make a much handier paint holder from a plastic milk or water jug. Cut out an area across from the handle that's big enough to pour paint into. Now you can hold the paint container while you work.
- Decorating With Style
Spidery surprises:
Insects and spiders can find their way into your garden gloves and cause a bit of a shock when you put them on. So make it a habit to shake your gloves out before putting your hands in.
- The Urban Gardener