- Monday, June 22

Sprague Branch Library (2131 S. 1100 East, 524-8280) - "Piecework: Mixed Media" by Susan Price through Sept. 8.

- Friday, June 26

St. George Art Museum (47 E. 200 North, St. George, 634-5942) - "The Triumphant Spirit: A National Photographic Project Remembering the Survivors of the Holocaust," featuring 51 portraits of individuals who survived Nazi death camps in their youth. The exhibit runs through Aug. 8.


Alpine Art and Frame (430 E. South Temple, 355-1155) - Contemporary abstract works by Steve Larson and paintings by Julie Jacobsen.

Anderson-Foothill Library (1135 S. 2100 East, 524-8278) - Works by Boris Chiriaev and Valentina Tchistova through July 21.

Aperture Gallery (307 W. 200 South, No. 1003, 363-9700) - "Urban Texture: The Art of the City," featuring photography by Peter J. Firth and Marc Reynolds, through Aug. 28. Also, "A Desert Cross Section," featuring photographs by Norm Shrewsbury, through July 31.

Art Access Gallery* (339 W. Pierpont Ave., 328-0703) - "Brian & Joe: New Work," featuring collaboratvie paintings by Brian Kershisnik and Joe Adams, through July 24.

Art Barn/Finch Lane Gallery* (54 Finch Lane, 596-5000) - "Westward Bound: A Celebration of Book Arts in the West," featuring handmade felt books by Maggie Harrison, through July 23.

Art Works Inc. (14 E. 300 South, 363-1717) - A rotating exhibit of works by Ann DerGara, T.L. Lang, Enrico Embroli and Annora Spence.

Artspace Artists Association (337 W. Pierpont Ave., California Rubber and Tire Building) - New works and works in progress.

Atrium Gallery (fifth floor, Salt Lake Public Library) - "Living Earth Series: An Inner Journey," paintings by Ted Remington, through July 25. Public reception Wednesday, June 24, 6:30-8 p.m.

C Gallery (466 S. 500 East, 359-8625) - "B is for bronzes: Small bronze birds" through Aug. 31.

Cherry Street Gallery (4790 S. Cherry St., 281-0075) - "Save These Trees," featuring landscape paintings by Ken Baxter and Julie Jacobson, through July 17. Also, works by Lee Anne Walker, Ian Ramsey, Red Allen, Jim Despain, Steve Harvey, Randall Lake, Julie Jacobson, Cynthia Binyon, Don Coy, Rick Jackson, Dave Sorenson, Scott Ruston, Steve Harvey, Paul Brimhall and Arlene Connolly.

Chroma Gallery (170 W. 2950 South, 487-4316) - Acrylics-serigraphs by Darryl Erdmann. Exhibit ongoing.

Cordell Taylor Studio/Gallery (575 W. 200 South, 355-0333) - "Emerging Artists 1998," featuring painting, sculpture and photography by Tina Burton, Joy Davidson, Branden Gregersen, Kate Seggar and Jairo Wilches, through July 15.

D.B. Gallery (125 E. 6100 South, Murray, 268-9562) - Ongoing exhibit of Utah artists Richard Murray, Dave Keough and Jim Weiss.

Dolores Chase Gallery* (260 S. 200 West, 328-2787) - Group show through July 10.

Don Brady Drive Through Gallery (1301 S. 2100 East, 582-4500) - "ULURU: Aboriginal Art of Australia" through Aug. 1.

Excell Gallery (Inkley's, 2150 S. State, 486-3921) - Photographs from members of the Intermountain Professional Photographers Association, through June 30.

Framery (1519 S. 1500 East) - Works by Glania Perova.

F. Weixler Gallery (132 E St., 534-1014) - Works by Valoy Eaton, Harrison Groutage, Kimball Warren, Karl Thomas and Dennis Smith and others.

Glendinning Gallery (617 E. South Temple, 533-5895) - "Cultural Icon or Not . . . ," featuring drawings, paintings, prints and mixed media works by Sam Wilson, Fletcher Booth, Alison Marie Perreault and Jacqui Biggs Larson, through July 3.

Holladay Library (2150 E. 4800 South, 943-4636, Ext. 334) - Watercolors by Vera Walker of the Intermountain Society of Artists through June.

King's Cottage Gallery (2233 S. 700 East, 486-5019) - Ongoing exhibit of Utah landscapes and cityscapes by Susan Gallacher, Rick Graham, Rob Adam-son, Linda Curley, Trent Ellis, John Hughes and Brad Slaugh.

Lamb's Restaurant (169 S. Main, 364-7166) - Fine art photography by the Print Society through June.

Leftbank Gallery* (242 S. 200 West, 539-0343) - "Gardened Expressions," featuring paintings and photographs by Calvin Johnson and Whitney King, through June 27.

Light Spot (1043 E. 900 South) - "GIGANTI/DRAGHGLI/EROI" (the Giants, the Dragons, the Heroes), featuring glass from Murano, Italy, by artisans Noti Massari, Renato Toso and Roberto Pamio.

Lost Art Gallery (4699 Holladay Blvd., 568-0659) - Metaphysical/New Age art.

Moonbird Studio (353 W. 200 South, Studio No. 301, 322-3816) - Kids' art from "Bad Dog Rediscovers America," urban kids mentoring project. Exhibit is ongoing.

Museum of Church History and Art (45 N. West Temple, 240-2299) - "A Season, a Time and a Purpose: Images of the Sacred in Landscape," featuring paintings by 27 Latter-day Saint artists, through Nov. 1. Also, "Towards the Eternal Center: Israel, Jerusalem and the Temples," an exhibit on loan from the Library of the Jewish Theological Seminary of America, through June 29. "The Homemade Kingdom: Nineteenth-century Mormon Regional Furniture," featuring furniture created by 19th-century LDS converts, through Jan. 18.

Nativo (353 W. 200 South, 531-8555) - Contemporary interpretations of antique Victorian jewelry by Cheryl Elliot.

Oasis Cafe - Golden Braid Books (151 S. 500 East, 322-1162) - Watercolor book illustrations and paintings by Vera Rosenberg through July 31.

Petersen Art Center Gallery (1025 E. 2100 South, 467-5444) - "To Siberia & Back . . . as seen by me," featuring watercolors by Rebecca Naegle, through July 16.

Phillips Gallery* (444 E. 200 South, 364-8284) - "Annual Summer Group Show," featuring work by the gallery's prominent artists, through Sept. 11. Also, photography by Laurel Casjens and drawings by Dale Bryner in the Dibble Gallery through July 10.

Salt Lake Art Center* (20 S. West Temple) - "The Interval Between Being and Not-Being," featuring paintings by James Charles, through June 28. Main gallery: "A View of 9," featuring work by Amy Adams, Jennifer Hillam Barton, Drex Brooks, Wyne Chubin, Downy Doxey-Marshall, Andrew Glantz, Brian Kersishnik, Fuifuilupe Niumeitolu & Joseph Ostraff and Kati Slater, through July 5.

Salt Lake City-County Building (451 S. State) - Photographs by Kent Miles, celebrating 150 years of ethnic pioneers in Utah.

Sandy City Library (10100 S. Petunia Way

1450 EastT) - Weavings and sculpture with animal hair by fiber artist Jacquee Gillespie through June.

Sego Gallery (637 E. 500 South, 328-9848) - Group show with works by Kathy Wilson, Ken Baxter and Sam Collett.

Silvertip Gallery (664 Union Square, Sandy, 571-9504) - Ongoing exhibition of sculpture by William L. Jorgensen, Dee Jor-gen-sen, R.L. Blair, Victor Reece, Avard Fairbanks and Shawn Beeler.

SoHo Gallery (142 E. 800 South, 521-8189) - Paintings, sculpture and ceramics by Sang Choi, J. Meerbott, C. Cook, G.T. Vaughn, R. Hage and more through June.

Sweet Avenues Branch Library (455 F St., 524-8276) - "Ron and Norma Molen: Recent Works" through July 6.

Thomas Kinkade Signature Gallery (627 Trolley Square) - Exclusively showing Kin-kade's works. His original painting, "Bridge of Faith," is on exhibit, as well as other limited edition canvases and paper images.

Thomas Kinkade Showcase Gallery (Gardner Village, 1100 W. 7800 South, West Jordan, 255-3004) - Specializes in custom-framed Thomas Kinkade art and collectibles. Exhibit ongoing.

Tivoli Gallery* (255 S. State, 521-6288) - Patented process sculpture and acrylic paintings by Rose Marie Russell.

Twiggs & Moore Art Gallery (Gardner Historic Village, 1095 W. 7800 South, West Jordan, 255-3004) - Works by Greg Olsen, James Christensen, Arnold Friberg, Nancy Glazier and more. Exhibit ongoing.

Tyler Library (315 Wood St., Midvale) - Acrylics and watercolors by Vera Walker of the Intermountain Society of Artists through June.

University Hospital (Medical Drive, second floor) - "Everybody's Art: Exploring Multiculturalism," featuring work of decorative arts from the Utah Museum of Fine Arts, through June 28.

Urban Arts Gallery (Second floor, Trolley Square, 322-3111) - Group show with Karl Pace, Tom Mulder, Richard Murray and Jim Stewart.

Utah Museum of Fine Art* (University of Utah, South Campus Drive, 581-7332) - "Images and Words," featuring student writings on art, through June 30. Also, "Renaissance at the Jungle's Edge: Genesis, Prohibition and Rebirth in the Art of the Asmat" and "Dancing in the Face of Power: Masks from the Owen D. Mort Jr. Collection of African Art," through July 26. Also, "The Val A. Browning Memorial Collection of 500 Years of European Masterworks," featuring paintings by Brueghel, Gainsborough, Fragonard, Corot, Van Dyke, Vigee Le Brun and many others. The exhibit will run indefinitely.

Utah State Historical Society (300 Rio Grande, 533-3500) - "A Woman's View: The Photography of Elfie Huntington (1868-1949)," through June 30.

Williams Fine Art* (Main Lobby, Eagle Gate Plaza, 60 E. South Temple, 534-0331) - Several pieces by Utah UPA artist Howell Rosenbaum. Also, works by early Utah artists including John Hafen, J.T. Harwood, LeConte Stewart, Maynard Dixon and others, through June.

* Member, Salt Lake Art Dealers Association.


Alliance for the Varied Arts (43 S. Main, Logan, 753-7058) - Annual Fine Art Exhibition through June 27.

Artists' Gallery (95 E. Telegraph St., St. George, 628-9293) - Paintings by Stacy Schimbeck, through June.

Brigham City Museum-Gallery (24 N. 300 West, Brigham City, 723-6769) - "Trail of Iron," featuring photography that documents construction of first transcontinental railroad, through June 27.

The Coda Gallery (804 Main, Park City, 655-3803) - "Group Show," featuring David Dornan, Chris Young, Brad Aldridge, Paul and Silvia Davis, Ray Hare, Patty Kimball, Ron Richmond, Doug Himes, A.D. Shaw, Dennis Smith and many more. The gallery also shows jewelry, glasswork and fabrics.

Eccles Community Art Center (2580 Jefferson Ave., Ogden, 392-6935) - New works by Adrian Van Suchtelen and his summer workshops participants. The exhibit of prints runs through June 30.

Fairview Museum of History & Art (85 S. 100 East, Fairview, 427-9216) - Forty additions to the Theodore Milton Wassmer collection, including Osral Allred, Bonnie Posselli, Rick Graham, Will South, Lee Deffebach, Wulf Barsch and others. Also, through June 30, signed photographs by Ansel Adams. Also, the museum collection of Avard Fairbanks, Florence Ware, Jon Rappleye, Ella Peacock, John Heber Stans-field, Lee Udall Bennion and others.

Flat Rabbit Gallery (421 Main, Park City, 435-649-2155) - Paintings by Pilar Pobil, David Montanoro, Jan Perkins and Guy Buffets signed limited editions. Exhibit ongoing.

Kimball Art Center (638 Park Ave., Park City, 649-8882) - Main gallery: "1998 Open Painting Exhibition." Badami gallery: "The Lighter Side of the McCabre." Both exhibits run through July 5.

Museum of Art (Brigham Young University, North Campus Drive, Provo, 378-2787) - "Allegories of Empires," featuring bird lithographs of the British empire during the 19th century. The exhibit runs through Sept. 5. Also, "From Heart and Hand: Religious Folk Art," featuring Polish folk art, through July 21. Also, "150 Years of American Painting," artwork from BYU's permanent collection, on display through August 1999.

Myra Powell Gallery (Union Station, 2501 Wall Ave., Ogden, 629-8444) - Bogolan Mud Cloth by Jane Catlin and artists living in Mali, Africa, through June.

Park City Gallery (592 Main, Park City, 649-4514) - Oils by Gary Smith and Steve McGinty and pastels by Yugoslavian artist Marinko Cetvei.

Springville Museum of Art (126 E. 400 South, Springville, 489-2727) - Print etchings by LeConte Stewart at the Works on Paper gallery through July 30. Group show by Brad Aldridge, Bruce Brainard, Ron Richmond, Todd Stilson, Christopher Thornock, Michael Workman and Christopher Young through June 28.

St. George Art Museum (47 E. 200 North, St. George, 634-5942) - "Two Corners of a Mirror: an international exhibition of photographic artwork" through Aug. 8.

Torrey Gallery (80 E. Main, Torrey, 425-3909) - Works by artists who live in or are influenced by the Capitol Reef area: Doug Snow, Tony Smith, Paul Davis, Sylvia Davis, Wulf Barsch, Bonnie Posselli, Carol Brown, Patricia Kimball, Doug Braith-waite, David Muench, John Telford, Susan Beck, Scott Peterson and Lyman Whitaker.

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Worthington Gallery (789 Zion Park Blvd., Springdale, 435-772-3446) - Pottery by Greg Worthington, Jim Stewart, Bruce Larrabee and Suzanne Storer. Also, paintings by Willamarie Huelskamp and sculptures by Lyman Whitaker.


Art Access Gallery is accepting exhibit proposals from individual artists and organizations for 1999. Proposed exhibits may in-clude work by emerging and established artists, artists with and without disabilities, exhibits speaking to social issues, children's exhibits, and exhibits focusing on and/or presented by underserved groups, organizations and individuals. All proposal entries are due July 1. For entry form and more information, call Art Access at 328-0703.

The Utah Arts Council's Public Art Program announces a Request for Proposals for the creation of an art work for a new state building being built at 250 N. 1950 West in Salt Lake City. The new building will house the Division of Services for the Blind & Visually Impaired as well as the Utah State Library Division. Interested artists and artist teams are encouraged to apply. To receive an application and more information, contact Jim Glenn of the Utah Public Arts Program at 533-4039. Application deadline is Aug. 11 at 5 p.m.

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