Seeking to ease Japanese concerns over growing U.S.-China cooperation, Secretary of State Madeleine Albright assured Prime Mininster Ryutaro Hashimoto Saturday that America's relationship with Japan remains the "cornerstone" of its ties to Asia.
Hashimoto, who met with Albright for 30 minutes, expressed support for President Clinton's just-concluded trip to China, saying he thought "this was good for Asia and good for Japan," a U.S. official said."It was a very positive meeting," said James Foley, a State Department spokesman, saying it focused on Clinton's journey to China, which Hashimoto called "an enormous success," he said.
"The prime minister was appreciative of the president's gesture in having secretary Albright come to Tokyo to brief him and his government," Foley added.
Clinton, who ended his nine-day trip to China on Friday, decided not to make a stop in Tokyo on his way home. So Albright's brief visit here is partly designed to repair any hurt feelings, the White House said.