Utah County families will be coming together Nov. 20 to confront a serious problem in our community -- hunger.
According to a 1996 hunger study, one in five Utah children under the age of 12 live in families where there is not enough food. In Utah County, this equates to more than 14,000 children. Of the thousands of people assisted by the Utah Valley Regional food Bank, more than 5,700 were children.The United Way Volunteer Center is now recruiting families to support the Utah Valley Regional Food Bank in Provo during the first National Family Volunteer Day, Nov. 20.
"Hunger is a serious issue in our community. This drive is an opportunity for the community to work together to help thousands of their neighbors who may be without adequate food this winter," said Scott Snow, director of the Volunteer Center. "Over the next two months, the Regional Food Bank needs more than 225,000 pounds of food to help these families in need in Utah County. We hope that local families will join us to fight hunger on Nov. 20 and throughout December and January."
Other projects that families can do for National Family Volunteer Day include visiting a nursing home, giving blood, and making decorations or holiday stockings to donate to charities that serve local youth and seniors.
Families who wish to participate in the annual National Family Volunteer Day should contact the United Way Volunteer Center at 374-8108.
Additional volunteer opportunities are available throughout Utah County. Some of these are listed below.
-- Sponsor Christmas for local children. The annual Sub For Santa program matches sponsors with families in need of temporary assistance during the holidays. It provides gifts for children and learning opportunities for the parents. Sign up to sponsor children between 18 months and 14 years of age. Sponsors are asked to provide two new clothing items, two new toys and one book for each child. For more information call the sponsor hotline at 356-6300 between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. weekdays.
Volunteers are also needed to help in the Sub For Santa office on a regular basis during November and December. Shifts of 2-3 hours are available Monday through Friday between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Bilingual volunteers are also needed.
-- Mentor young men. Slate Canyon Youth Detention Center needs more male mentors. Volunteer's days and times are flexible; however, there is a minimum commitment of a least one session a week. Prospective mentors must be males 21 years of age and older.
-- Typist needed for Kids on the Move. Kids on the Move is preparing a recipe book and needs a typist for the project. The workdays and times are flexible. It will require at least two hours of work a week. The typing can be done at home.
For more information about these and other volunteer opportunities in Utah County, contact the United Way Volunteer Center weekdays from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at 374-8108. contact can also be made by e-mail (volunteer@unitedwayuc.org) or by visiting the United Way of Utah County Web site (www.unitedwayuc.org).