Have you ever wondered or pondered why advertising is so effective? If so, ask yourself this question, "Do I allow sex to sell?"
During a recent visit to South Towne Center, I walked by a display that really caught my attention, not for what was in the display. Rather it was what was missing that really made me do a double take. The Victoria's Secret store had placed in its front window two rather large posters of a nude woman in a crouched position with only her arms covering her breasts. This provocative image not only caught my attention but also caught the attention of many others that passed.I inquired with the management of South Towne Center regarding their policy on the displays of this nature. I was informed in reply that there is no standing policy. In fact, it seems that since Victoria's Secret is considered a "large" retail chain that there would be no action taken whatsoever, with the exception of a brief contact with the manager of the store.
Unsatisfied with this answer, I contacted the manager of Victoria's Secret myself; she referred me on further to corporate customer service. I was informed that the "Dream Angels" poster featuring "Daniella" had been presented to a "test" market, and this group responded with approval of all the materials. I feel that this test market was and is not an accurate portrayal or representation of the people of our community. I am appalled that this test group can undermine the moral fabric of a community.
I don't allow my children to eat dirt, so why should I let them digest it with their eyes? I feel that it is our duty to stand for those issues that will preserve moral character and promote an atmosphere of respect.
LeShel H. Gotberg
South Jordan