Regarding your incredibly stupid position supporting another law, one that would forbid concealed-carry permit-holders from taking a gun into a school or a church, as expressed in your Oct. 4 editorial, "The way to handle gun issue."
You keep harping on some alleged poll saying 90 percent of the people of Utah want such a law. Of course, churches and schools are no place for guns, and if you ask the question in the right way, 90 percent of us will say we are against guns in churches and schools.Does that mean we want a law restricting those with concealed-carry permits from entering schools and churches? No. Polls can and are rigged according to the wishes of those paying for the poll to be taken. "Be sure to ask the questions so we get the right answers according to our own agenda."
Common sense tells us that the higher the percentage of concealed-carry permit-holders in any community, the lower will be the crime rate. The reason is obvious. Would-be criminals assess the risks both of getting caught and of personal danger before they commit a crime with a gun or any other weapon.
If a would-be criminal knows beforehand that the odds are high of confronting somebody with a concealed firearm, he is likely to forget about attempting the crime he would otherwise carry out. Criminals attack the weak, the helpless and the unarmed. They like to avoid danger.
A high percentage of concealed-carry permit-holders in any community is a great deterrent to crime. They are almost like having volunteer cops walking among us.
Until you can report at least one concealed-carry criminal who shot up a school or a church, please get off your anti-gun crusade.
Joseph Stumph