An expert on divorce, Judith Wallerstein, comes to Utah next week for lectures and a workshop.
Wallerstein is the keynote speaker on Thursday, Nov. 18, at the Norman S. Anderson Award dinner honoring Utahns who have made a difference in the field of mental health. Wallerstein will speak about the impact of divorce on children, at a dinner which begins at 7 p.m. in the Alumni House, University of Utah campus.Friday, Nov. 19, at 11 a.m., Wallerstein will speak in the University of Utah Health Sciences Center, classroom B. At 1:30 p.m. the same day, in the College of Nursing Auditorium, 25 S. Medical Drive, she will give a workshop on clinical interventions with divorcing parents.
Continuing education credits are available for the workshop, which costs $60. The dinner is $35. The speech is free. For reservations call 363-3130.