150 years ago
A company led by Elder Parley P. Pratt commenced on Nov. 23, 1849, extensive exploration of the area southward of Salt Lake City, according to A Comprehensive History of the Church by B.H. Roberts.The company consisted of about 50 people and was commissioned by President Brigham Young, territorial governor, to explore the southern country.
"The purpose of the expedition was to pass over the southern 'rim of the Great Basin,' to become acquainted with the character of the country beyond, and ascertain its availability as a place for settlement."
They arrived in Manti in early December, "thence followed up the Sevier River to the point where it issued through an impassable canyon; from which point the party explored a road through the mountains westerly to Little Salt Lake valley."
Some of the group remained there while the rest continued on to explore the Virgin River area in what is known as Utah's Dixie. While much of the area was desolate, fertile lands were discovered near the rivers and the "climate was like that of early spring" in January.
The explorers returned to the Salt Lake Valley along a western route during the depth of winter, arriving "in scattering groups during February and March."