CONTINUING EXHIBITSA Gallery (Creekside Place, west of Cottonwood Mall) -- Celebrating 16 years in business with new works by Gary Collins, Brian Christensen, Brent Godfrey, Victoria Hixon-Longaker, Cynthia Jeppson, Galina Perova, Jared Sanders, Terry Scheid, David Smith-Harrison, Trevor Southey and Dahrl Thomson.
Aaron's Artist Gallery (1160 S. Windsor St. (840 East), Salt Lake City, 466-9000) -- "Po-Art: Paintings with Poetry, Expressing Struggles of the Spirit," featuring paintings and poetry by Scot Aaron. Show ongoing. To set up a time to visit gallery, call 466-9000.
Anderson-Foothill Library (1135 S. 2100 East, 524-8278) -- "As I See It II: Photography by Sherine Stephens through Dec. 31. A public reception Friday, Dec. 3, 7-8 p.m.
Aperture Gallery (307 W. 200 South, No. 1003, 363-9700) -- West Wing gallery: "Dead Trucks," featuring photography and Gicl