THURSDAY, DEC. 16Christmas in My Hometown (11 a.m., Lifetime) 1996 TV movie

Happy Christmas, Miss King (3 p.m. Odyssey) TV movie

Leprechaun's Christmas Gold (7 p.m., Fox Family) Family Special

The Nutcracker Prince (8 p.m., Disney) 1990 animated movie

Little Drummer Boy (8 p.m., Fox Family) Animation

Christmas Miracles (11 p.m., Fox Family) Family special


Christmas Eve (11 a.m., Lifetime) 1986 TV movie

A Christmas Story (6:05 p.m., TBS) 1983 movie

Olive the Other Reindeer (7 p.m., Ch. 13) Animation

Noel (7 p.m., Fox Family) Animation

All Dogs Christmas Carol (7:30 p.m., Fox Family) Animation

Mr. Willowby's Christmas Tree (7:30 p.m., Odyssey) Muppets

A Nitty Gritty Christmas (8 p.m., Ch. 11) Holiday music

A Muppet Family Christmas (8 p.m., Odyssey) Muppets

Richie Rich's Christmas Wish (9 p.m., Fox Family) New TV movie

Kenny Rogers Christmas (9 p.m., Odyssey) Music/variety

Holiday In Your Heart (10 p.m., Odyssey) 1997 TV movie


Mr. Willowby's Christmas Tree (8 a.m., Odyssey) Muppets

Michael the Visitor (9 a.m., Odyssey) Claymation

Rudolph: The Movie (11 a.m., Disney) 1998 animation

Emmet Otter's Jug-Band Christmas (11 a.m., Odyssey) Muppets

The Christmas Toy (noon, Odyssey) Animation

Holiday Affair (1 p.m., USA) 1996 TV movie

A Christmas Romance (2 p.m., Ch. 30) TV movie

If You Believe (2 p.m., Lifetime) New TV movie

Holiday at Pops (6 p.m., A&E) Holiday music

Holiday In Your Heart (6 p.m., Odyssey) 1997 TV movie

A Choir of Angels (7 p.m., Ch. 7) Int'l Children's Choir

Lawrence Welk Special (7 p.m., Ch. 11) Music/variety

Christmas in Hollywood (7 p.m., Ch. 30) Music/variety

Emmet Otter's Jug-Band Christmas (7 p.m., Odyssey) Muppets

A Christmas Carol (7 p.m., TNT) New TV movie

Perry Como's Irish Christmas (8 p.m., Ch. 11) Music/variety

Christmas in Quebec (8 p.m., 30) Music/variety

Kenny Rogers Christmas (8 p.m., Odyssey) Music/variety

The Christmas List (9 p.m., Fox Family) 1997 TV movie

Ghost of Dickens' Past (9 p.m., Odyssey) TV movie

Holiday at Pops (10 p.m., A&E) Holiday music

A Nitty Gritty Christmas (10:25 p.m., Ch. 11) Holiday music

A Hobo's Christmas (11 p.m., Fox Family) 1989 TV movie


The Christmas Stallion (1 a.m., TNT) TV movie

Holiday at Pops (6:30 a.m., A&E) Holiday music

Christmas Memories (10 a.m., Ch. 5) Tabernacle Choir

The Snowman (11 a.m., Disney) Animation

Teddy Bears' Christmas (11:30 a.m., Disney) Animation

Lawrence Welk Special (noon, Ch. 11) Music/variety

A Choir of Angels (1 p.m., Ch. 7) Int'l Children's Choir

The Muppet Christmas Carol (1 p.m., Ch. 14) 1992 movie

A Christmas Carol (2 p.m., TNT) New TV movie

The Christmas Box (6 p.m., Ch. 14) 1995 TV movie

Ghost of Dickens' Past (6 p.m., Odyssey) TV movie

It's a Wonderful Life (7 p.m., Ch. 5) 1946 movie

The Christmas Path (7 p.m., Fox Family) New TV movie

Miracle on the 17th Green (8 p.m., Ch. 2) New TV movie

Celebration of Christmas (8 p.m., Ch. 11) Holiday music

A Christmas Story (8 p.m., TCM) 1983 movie

Christmas in Vienna (9 p.m., Ch. 11) Holiday music

One Christmas (9 p.m., Fox Family) 1994 TV movie

Christmas Past (10 p.m., TCM) Silent film shorts


All I Want for Christmas (midnight, Ch. 14) 1991 movie

Must be Santa (6:30 a.m., Starz) New TV movie

Must be Santa (7:15 p.m., Starz) New TV movie

All I Want for Christmas (9 p.m., Fox Family) 1991 TV movie

Stories of Christmas Love (9:35 p.m., Ch. 11) Leo Buscaglia

Happy Christmas, Miss King (10 p.m. Odyssey) TV movie

Perry Como's Irish Christmas (10:30 p.m., Ch. 11) Music/variety

Merry Christmas, Mr. Bean (11 p.m., Ch. 7) Comedy


Celebration of Christmas (midnight, Ch. 11) Holiday music

A Nitty Gritty Christmas (1 a.m., Ch. 11) Holiday music

Christmas in Vienna (2 a.m., Ch. 11) Holiday music

Stories of Christmas Love (3 a.m., Ch. 11) Leo Buscaglia

Happy Christmas, Miss King (3 p.m. Odyssey) TV movie

Miracle on 34th Street (7 p.m., Ch. 13) 1994 remake

Big Ticket to Christmas (7 p.m., CMT) Country music

To Grandmother's House We Go (7 p.m,. Fox Family) 1992 TV movie

Cathedral Christmas (8 p.m., Ch. 11) Denyce Graves

Jessye Norman: Holiday Homecoming (9 p.m., Ch. 11) Holiday music

Christmas Every Day (9 p.m., Fox Family) 1996 TV movie

A Muppet Family Christmas (10 p.m., Odyssey) Muppets

Stories of Christmas Love (10:30 p.m., Ch. 11) Leo Buscaglia

Kenny Rogers Christmas (11 p.m., Odyssey) Music/variety

Christmas in Vienna (11:30 p.m., Ch. 11) Holiday music


Jessye Norman: Holiday Homecoming (12:30 a.m., Ch. 11) Holiday music

Cathedral Christmas (2 a.m., Ch. 11) Denyce Graves

Celebration of Christmas (3 a.m., Ch. 11) Holiday music

A Muppet Family Christmas (3 p.m., Odyssey) Muppets

Kenny Rogers Christmas (4 p.m., Odyssey) Music/variety

Jessye Norman: Holiday Homecoming (7 p.m., Ch. 7) Holiday music

Richie Rich's Christmas Wish (7 p.m., Fox Family) New TV movie

Handel's Messiah (8 p.m., Ch. 11) Holiday music

Must be Santa (8:05 p.m., Starz) New TV movie

Memory of a Large Christmas (8:30 p.m., Ch. 7) Lillian Smith

A Christmas Gloria (9 p.m., Ch. 7) Mormon Tabernacle Choir

Clarence (9 p.m., Fox Family) 1990 TV movie

Ernest Saves Christmas (9:35 p.m., Disney) 1988 movie

The Fourth Wiseman (10 p.m., Odyssey) Holiday drama

Christmas at St. Olaf (10:30 p.m., Ch. 11) Holiday music


Handel's Messiah (1 a.m., Ch. 11) Holiday music

Gloria: The Life of Christ (2 a.m., Odyssey) Religious program

Perry Como's Irish Christmas (3:30 a.m., Ch. 11) Music/variety

Big Ticket to Christmas (11 a.m., CMT) Country music

Santa with Muscles (11 a.m., TNT) 1996 movie

The Fourth Wiseman (3 p.m., Odyssey) Holiday drama

Frosty's Winter Wonderland (7 p.m., Fox Family) Animation

The Gathering II (7 p.m., TNN) 1979 TV movie

All Dogs Christmas Carol (7:30 p.m., Fox Family) Animation

Christmas in Connecticut (8 p.m., Ch. 11) 1945 movie

A Celebration of Christmas (9 p.m., Bravo) Holiday music

The Christmas List (9 p.m., Fox Family) 1997 TV movie

Holiday In Your Heart (10 p.m., Odyssey) 1997 TV movie

Handel's Messiah (10:30 p.m., Ch. 11) Holiday music

A Christmas Dream (11 p.m., Fox Family) Animation

Prancer (11:30 p.m., Ch. 14) 1989 movie


A Nitty Gritty Christmas (1 a.m., Ch. 11) Holiday music

Miracle on 34th Street (1 a.m., USA) 1973 remake

Cathedral Christmas (2 a.m., Ch. 11) Denyce Graves

Celebration of Christmas (3 a.m., Ch. 11) Holiday music

Concordia College Christmas Concert (3 a.m., Odyssey) Holiday music

The First Christmas (4 a.m., Odyssey) Claymation

For Keeps? (11 a.m., Lifetime) TV movie

Mickey's Once Upon a Christmas (noon, Disney) Animation

Must be Santa (noon, Starz) New TV movie

Ghost of Christmas Paddington (1 p.m., Cartoon) Animation

I'll be Home for Christmas (1 p.m., Lifetime) 1988 TV movie

Casper's First Christmas (1:30 p.m., Cartoon) Animation

A Christmas Carol (2 p.m., AMC) 1951 movie

Smurf's Christmas Special (2 p.m., Cartoon) Animation

Tis the Season to be Smurfy (2:30 p.m., Cartoon) Animation

Yule Toons (3 p.m., Cartoon) Animation

A Holiday to Remember (3 p.m., Lifetime) 1996 TV movie

Holiday In Your Heart (3 p.m., Odyssey) 1997 TV movie

Christmas Eve (3:30 p.m., AMC) 1949 movie

True Meaning of Crumbfest (4 p.m., Ch. 16) Animation

Yogi's First Christmas (4 p.m., Cartoon) Animation

The Great Christmas Movies (5 p.m., AMC) Film clips

If You Believe (5 p.m., Lifetime) New TV movie

Mr. Willowby's Christmas Tree (5:30 p.m., Odyssey) Muppets

LDS Christmas Fireside (6 p.m., Ch. 11) First Presidency

Journey of the Magi (6 p.m., Ch. 16) Animation

The Bishop's Wife (6 p.m., AMC) 1947 movie

Little Troll Prince (6 p.m., Cartoon) Animation

Holidays in Concert (6 p.m., Disney) Holiday music

A Christmas Story (6 p.m., TNT) 1983 movie

How the Grinch Stole Christmas (6:05 p.m., TBS) Animation

The Christmas Lamb (6:30 p.m., Ch. 16) Animation

A Flintstones Christmas Carol (6:35 p.m., TBS) Animation

It's a Wonderful Life (7 p.m., Ch. 5) 1946 movie

Red Cross Music Spectacular (7 p.m., Ch. 13) Holiday music

Santa Claus: The Movie (7 p.m., Ch. 14) 1985 movie

Holiday at Pops (7 p.m., A&E) Holiday music

It's a Wonderful Tiny Toons Christmas (7 p.m., Cartoon) Animation

Life and Adventures of Santa (7 p.m., Fox Family) Animation

A Chance of Snow (7 p.m., Lifetime) 1998 TV movie

The Christmas Toy (7 p.m., Odyssey) Animation

Christmas Comes to Pac-land (7:30 p.m., Cartoon) Animation

Handel's Messiah (8 p.m., Ch. 7) U.S. Naval Academy

Nutcracker Scoob (8 p.m., Cartoon) Animation

Pinocchio's Christmas (8 p.m., Fox Family) Animation

Emmet Otter's Jug-Band Christmas (8 p.m., Odyssey) Muppets

Christmas in Connecticut (8 p.m., TCM) 1945 movie

A Christmas Story (8 p.m., TNT) 1983 movie

A Christmas Carol (8:30 p.m., AMC) 1951 movie

Town that Santa Forgot (8:30 p.m., Cartoon) Animation

A Christmas Gloria (9 p.m., Ch. 7) Mormon Tabernacle Choir

Mormon Tabernacle Choir (9 p.m., Ch. 11) Holiday music

Scrooge (9 p.m., Ch. 14) 1970 movie

Jesus (9 p.m., Ch. 16) 1979 movie

A Christmas Story (9 p.m., Cartoon) Animation

The Small One (9 p.m., Disney) Animation

Rudolph's Shiny New Year (9 p.m., Fox Family) Animation

Christmas Eve (9 p.m., Lifetime) 1986 TV movie

Kenny Rogers Christmas (9 p.m., Odyssey) Music/variety

Must be Santa (9 p.m., Starz) New TV movie

The Other Wiseman (9:30 p.m., Ch. 11) Christmas parable

Yogi's Christmas Caper (9:30 p.m., Cartoon) Animation

Rudolph: The Movie (9:30 p.m., Disney) 1998 animation

Traditions of Christmas (10 p.m., Ch. 11) Holiday music

Christmas Flintstone (10 p.m., Cartoon) Animation

Santa Claus is Coming to Town (10 p.m., Fox Family) Animation

Gaither Homecoming Christmas (10 p.m., Odyssey) Holiday music

A Christmas Story (10 p.m., TNT) 1983 movie

Merry Christmas, Mr. Bean (10:30 p.m., Ch. 7) Comedy

Celebration of Christmas (10:30 p.m., Ch. 11) Holiday music

Jetson Christmas Carol (10:30 p.m., Cartoon) Animation

Yule Toons (11 p.m., Cartoon) Animation

Holidays in Concert (11 p.m., Disney) Holiday music

Jack Frost (11 p.m., Fox Family) Animation

Gloria: The Life of Christ (11 p.m., Odyssey) Religious program


LDS Christmas Fireside (midnight, Ch. 11) First Presidency

Holiday at Pops (midnight, A&E) Holiday music

A Toonheads Christmas Special (midnight, Cartoon) Animation

Christmas Eve Service (midnight, Odyssey) Protestant service

A Christmas Story (midnight, TNT) 1983 movie

Holiday Affair (12:30 a.m., TCM) 1949 movie

A Flintstones Christmas (1 a.m., Cartoon) Animation

Midnight Mass at St. Patrick's (1 a.m., Odyssey) Catholic service

Christmas at St. Peter's (1:05 a.m., Ch. 5) Catholic service

The Other Wiseman (1:30 a.m., Ch. 11) Christmas parable

Traditions of Christmas (2 a.m., Ch. 11) Holiday music

Yule Toons (2 a.m., Cartoon) Animation

A Christmas Story (2 a.m., TNT) 1983 movie

Christmas at St. Olaf (2:30 a.m., Ch. 11) Holiday music

Mormon Tabernacle Choir (3 a.m., Odyssey) Holiday music

Mormon Tabernacle Choir (3 a.m., Ch. 11) Holiday music

A Christmas Story (3 a.m., Cartoon) Animation

Town that Santa Forgot (3:30 a.m., Cartoon) Animation

Celebration of Christmas (4 a.m., Ch. 11) Holiday music

Christmas Flintstone (4 a.m., Cartoon) Animation

A Christmas Story (4 a.m., TNT) 1983 movie

An American Christmas (4 a.m., Odyssey) Religious/cultural

Jetson Christmas Carol (4:30 a.m., Cartoon) Animation

Nutcracker Scoob (5 a.m., Cartoon) Animation

Prancer (5:30 a.m., Ch. 14) 1989 movie

Yogi's First Christmas (5:30 a.m., Cartoon) Animation

A Christmas Gloria (6 a.m., Ch. 7) Mormon Tabernacle Choir

Christmas at St. Olaf (6 a.m., Ch. 11) Holiday music

Smurfs Christmas Special (6 a.m., Cartoon) Animation

A Christmas Story (6 a.m., TNT) 1983 movie

Tis the Season to be Smurfy (6:30 a.m., Cartoon) Animation

The Joffrey Nutcracker (7 a.m., Ch. 7) Ballet

Stories of Christmas Love (7 a.m., Ch. 11) Leo Buscaglia

Christmas Flintstone (7 a.m., Cartoon) Animation

Concordia College Christmas Concert (7 a.m., Odyssey) Holiday music

Scrooge (7:30 a.m., Ch. 14) 1970 movie

Jetson Christmas Carol (7:30 a.m., Cartoon) Animation

Must be Santa (7:30 a.m., Starz) New TV movie

Handel's Messiah (8 a.m., Ch. 7) U.S. Naval Academy

Mormon Tabernacle Choir (8 a.m., Ch. 11) Holiday music

Yule Toons (8 a.m., Cartoon) Animation

A Christmas Story (8 a.m., TNT) 1983 movie

Handel's Messiah (8:30 a.m., Ch. 11) Holiday music

It's a Wonderful Tiny Toons Christmas (9 a.m., Cartoon) Animation

Christmas Comes to Pac-land (9:30 a.m., Cartoon) Animation

Perry Como's Irish Christmas (9:45 a.m., Ch. 7) Holiday music

Santa Claus: The Movie (10 a.m., Ch. 14) 1985 movie

The Great Christmas Movies (10 a.m., AMC) Film clips

Nutcracker Scoob (10 a.m., Cartoon) Animation

Washington Nat'l Cathedral Service (10 a.m., Odyssey) Protestant service

A Christmas Story (10 a.m., TNT) 1983 movie

Town that Santa Forgot (10:30 a.m., Cartoon) Animation

Carols from Atlanta (11 a.m., Ch. 7) Holiday music

LDS Christmas Fireside (11 a.m., Ch. 11) First Presidency

A Christmas Carol (11 a.m., AMC) 1951 movie

A Flintstone Christmas Carol (11 a.m., Cartoon) Animation

Spot's Magical Christmas (11 a.m, Disney) Animation

Bluetoes the Christmas Elf (11:30 a.m., Disney) Animation

Jessye Norman: Holiday Homecoming (noon, Ch. 7) Holiday music

Celebration of Christmas (noon, Ch. 11) Holiday music

Unlikely Angel (noon, Lifetime) 1996 TV movie

A Christmas Story (noon, TNT) 1983 movie

Red Skelton's Christmas Dinner (1 p.m., Ch. 11) Comedy

Rudolph and Frosty (1:15 p.m., Disney) Animation

Cathedral Christmas (2 p.m., Ch. 7) Denyce Graves

Jessye Norman: Holiday Homecoming (2 p.m., Ch. 11) Holiday music

Miracle on 34th Street (2 p.m., Ch. 13) 1947 movie

A Different Kind of Christmas (2 p.m., Lifetime) 1996 TV movie

Happy Christmas, Miss King (2 p.m. Odyssey) TV movie

A Christmas Story (2 p.m., TNT) 1983 movie

Christmas at St. Olaf (3 p.m., Ch. 7) Holiday music

Cathedral Christmas (3:30 p.m., Ch. 11) Denyce Graves

Nutcracker on Ice (4 p.m., Ch. 30) Figure skating

It Nearly Wasn't Christmas (4 p.m., Disney) 1990 TV movie

Ebbie (4 p.m., Lifetime) 1995 TV movie

A Christmas Story (4 p.m., TNT) 1983 movie

Christmas in Vienna (4:30 p.m., Ch. 11) Holiday music

Christmas Glory (5 p.m., Ch. 7) Holiday music

Perry Como's Irish Christmas (5:30 p.m., Ch. 11) Music/variety

Ernest Saves Christmas (5:45 p.m., Disney) 1988 movie

Purdue U. Christmas Show (6 p.m., Ch. 7) Music/variety

Christmas in My Hometown (6 p.m., Lifetime) 1996 TV movie

The Fourth Wiseman (6 p.m., Odyssey) Holiday drama

A Christmas Carol (6 p.m., TNT) New TV movie

Perry Como's Irish Christmas (7 p.m., Ch. 7) Holiday music

Lawrence Welk Holiday Special (7 p.m., Ch. 11) TV clips

Young Pioneers Christmas (7 p.m., Ch. 30) 1976 TV movie

Big Ticket to Christmas (7 p.m., CMT) Country music

Like Father, Like Santa (7 p.m., Fox Family) 1998 TV movie

A Mom for Christmas (7:25 p.m., Disney) 1990 TV movie

A Celebration of Christmas (7:30 p.m., Bravo) Holiday music

Red Skelton's Christmas Dinner (8 p.m., Ch. 11) Comedy

Santa Claus Conquers the Martians (8 p.m., AMC) 1964 movie

A Christmas Gloria (8:15 p.m., Ch. 7) Mormon Tabernacle Choir

The Gift (9 p.m.,. Ch. 16) 1979 movie

Borrowed Hearts (9 p.m, Fox Family) 1997 TV movie

Ghost of Dickens' Past (9 p.m., Odyssey) TV movie

One Christmas (11 p.m., Fox Family) 1994 TV movie

Gaither Homecoming Christmas (11 p.m., Odyssey) Holiday music

Christmas at St. Olaf (11:30 p.m., Ch. 11) Holiday music


Red Skelton's Christmas Dinner (12:30 a.m., Ch. 11) Comedy

The Great Christmas Movies (1 a.m., AMC) Film clips

Christmas Miracles (1 a.m., Fox Family) Family special

Santa Claus Conquers the Martians (2 a.m., AMC) 1964 movie

View Comments

Memory of a Large Christmas (9:30 a.m., Ch. 7) Lillian Smith

The Great Christmas Movies (10 a.m., AMC) Film clips

An American Christmas (4 p.m., Odyssey) Religious/cultural

Christmas Memories (10 a.m., Ch. 5) Tabernacle Choir

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