John Ford, I'll have to disagree with you about eating turkey. Your recent letter to the editor discredited itself before anyone could take it seriously.
You've assumed that in killing a turkey, we show no "reverence" for life. Don't most families at least say grace on a Thanksgiving meal?I'm thankful for anything that I have. I read the paper and I'm thankful that I don't have to eat bugs while trapped under a building after an earthquake. I don't eat turkey on Thanksgiving to satisfy my homicidal tendencies, I mean turkey-cidal tendencies.
Secondly, you've assumed that killing a turkey is a form of "violence." If it is, then maybe dieting (violence to fat cells), e-mailing (violence to the post office) or vegetarianism (violence toward plants) should be tacked to the list of things to do away with. This is absurd! Part of life is taking and giving.
My Thanksgiving will be centered on compassion and reverence for those around me, the world I live on and the God that gave me all that I am. Many thanks to the turkeys this editorial might find its way to, 'cause what would Thanksgiving be without you?
Jacob Skousen
South Jordan