LOGAN -- Christopher Terry is a still life painter -- the subject matter is often deceptively simple, almost sparse. Often, objects are placed on a table, and the viewer is encouraged to develop the plot lines, the stories that accompany the everyday life essentials that usually make up the composition.
Terry's work is currently featured in the solo exhibition, "New Works, New Ideas," at Utah State University's Nora Eccles Harrison Museum of Art. The exhibit can be seen through Jan. 22. A portion of the show will then be transferred to San Francisco for a limited run at the Hackett-Freedman Gallery Feb. 3-26.Twenty-three works are shown in the exhibit, mostly Terry's large oil on canvas works. Several smaller drawings are also included. All works are recent, and Terry says the paintings are somewhat different from his earlier works, although the differences are subtle.
He admits he is becoming more interested in the space surrounding his still life settings, rather than the objects themselves. In his work of 10 years ago, the focus was on the object, he said. Slowly, he pulled back from the objects so that the viewer could see more and more of the table upon which the objects sat.
In these new works Terry has pulled back even farther to show the viewer much more of the room. The still life objects are still important, but the environment is becoming more of a factor in the artist's work. He admits that he now spends more time creating the room than he does painting the still life objects.
Terry says he is also interested in what happens to surfaces over time -- the stuff that happens on walls can be fascinating, he said.
The Nora Eccles Harrison Museum of Art is open Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Wednesday 10:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. and weekends 2-5 p.m. The museum is closed Monday and holidays. All exhibits are free and open to the public. For information call 435-797-0163.
-- Patrick Williams, USU public relations