Taking a new look at Cuba will be the focus of a free slide presentation and discussion by Salt Lake resident and businessman John Peake Tuesday, March 23, 7:30 p.m., in the Saltair Room of the University of Utah Union building.
Peake has made two trips to Cuba to document what he calls the "living museum of classic American cars" for his radio show on automobiles. The museum focuses on U.S.-built cars that are in daily use in Cuba.Four decades of communist rule and U.S. government sanctions that limited public travel to Cuba have kept the country shrouded in mystery. This "information blackout" has allowed Americans very little knowledge of Cuban culture, its economy and its people, said Peake. Being one of the few Americans legally allowed to tour the country, Peake is eager to discuss his travels and interpretation of the people, music and food, along with an overview of their architectural history and religious practices.
For more information call Peake at 466-8600 or e-mail him at (john@cartrak.com).