Alvin Gittins Gallery (161 Art and Architecture Building, U. campus, 581-8677) -- "Accumulation: Sampling of 30 Years of Printmaking," a retrospective featuring three decades of student works from retiring professor Robert Kleinschmidt, through April 5. Artist reception on Monday, April 5, 6-9 p.m.

Wednesday, March 31

Weber State University Art Gallery (Collett Art Building, WSU Campus, Ogden, 626-7689) -- "Annual Juried Students Art Exhibition," featuring student work in all media, through April 30.

Williams Fine Art* (Main Lobby, Eagle Gate Plaza, 60 E. South Temple, 534-0331) -- One person show by Western historical artist Glen Hopkinson through April 16. Exhibit will feature 12 new paintings.

Thursday, April 1

Sweet Avenues Branch Library (455 F St., 524-8276) -- "Seeing Past the Edge: Recent Works by Roxanne Hepworth," through May 8. Artist reception Thursday, April 1, 6:30-8:30 p.m.

B.F. Larsen Gallery (Harris Fine Arts Center, BYU, Provo, 378-2881) -- "Annual Student Art Show," featuring student work through April 15. Artist reception Wednesday, April 7, 7 p.m.


Alpine Art and the Robin Grey Gallery (430 E. South Temple, 355-1155) -- LeConte Stewart, ongoing exhibit.

Aperture Gallery (307 W. 200 South, No. 1003, 363-9700) -- The Photo Giclee Show runs through April 12.

Art Access Gallery* (339 W. Pierpont Ave., 328-0703) -- "The Idea Was Art," featuring paintings by Calvin Scott and sculpture by Darl Thomas. In Art Access II: "Midmost," featuring the paintings of Joy Davidson. Both exhibits run through April 9.

Art Barn/Finch Lane Gallery* (54 Finch Lane, 596-5000) -- Works by Marinko Cetvei, Jim Frankoski, Kaiti Slater and Clay Furches will be on display through April 9.

Artspace Artists Association (337 W. Pierpont Ave., California Rubber and Tire Building) -- New works and works in progress.

Atrium Gallery (fifth floor, Salt Lake Public Library) -- "James Baker: Recent Works" through May 8. Public reception Wednesday, March 31, 6:30-8:30 p.m.

Cherry Street Gallery (4790 S. Cherry St. 281-0075) -- Jo Gilkey of Las Vegas presents Valentine show "Hearts." Also, "Unity of the Unanswerable Riddles," a show of new works by Mike Fletcher. Also new works by sculptor David Sorensen, new watercolors by Ian Ramsay and Young Huino, as well as works by sculptors Don Coy, Matt Clark, Stan Watts, Rick Jackson, Doc Poulson, Neil Burk, Scott Hall, Ken Baxter, Lee Anne Walker, Julie Jacobsen, Cynthia Binyon, Arlene Connolly, Randal Lake, Poon Tai T, Jo Gilkey and Paul Nalamba.

Chroma Gallery (170 W. 2950 South, 487-4316) -- Acrylics-serigraphs by Darryl Erdmann. Exhibit ongoing.

Cordell Taylor Studio/Gallery (575 W. 200 South, 355-0333) -- Recent work by Shelley Turley and Dennis Reynolds through April 10.

Cup of Joe (353 W. 200 South, 363-8322) -- "Food Chain Barbie" exhibition by Tom Forsythe will run through March.

D.B. Gallery (125 E. 6100 South, Murray, 268-9562) -- Ongoing exhibit of Utah artists Richard Murray, Dave Keough and Jim Weiss.

Dolores Chase Gallery* (260 S. 200 West, 328-2787) -- "Trompes & Fantasies," featuring new paintings by Edie Roberson, through April.

Framery (1519 S. 1500 East) -- Works by Glania Perova.

F. Weixler Gallery (132 E St., 534-1014) -- Works by Valoy Eaton, Harrison Groutage, Kimball Warren, Karl Thomas and Dennis Smith and others.

Jewett Center for Performing Arts (Westminster College, 1250 E. 1700 South, 488-4122) -- Westminster Art Major's presenting exhibit through March 30.

King's Cottage Gallery (2233 S. 700 East, 486-5019) -- Paintings by Susan Gallacher and Rob Adamson are now showing.

Left Bank Gallery* (242 S. 200 West, 539-0343) -- "Stark Rock Art," featuring work by Gene Stark through April.

Light Spot (1043 E. 900 South) -- "GIGANTI/DRAGHGLI/EROI" (the Giants, the Dragons, the Heroes), featuring glass from Murano, Italy, by artisans Noti Massari, Renato Toso and Roberto Pamio.

Loge Gallery (Pioneer Memorial Theatre, 1340 E. Broadway, U. of U., 581-7222) -- Works by Willamiarie Huelskamp through April 3.

Moonbird Studio (353 W. 200 South, Studio No. 301, 322-3816) -- Kids' art from "Bad Dog Rediscovers America," urban kids mentoring project. Exhibit is ongoing.

Museum of Church History and Art (45 N. West Temple, 240-2299) -- "Practicing Pure Religion: Latter-day Saint Welfare and Humanitarian Service," featuring work that tells the story of service, through Feb. 13, 2000. Also, "Celebration of Heritage and Belief: 15 Years at the Museum of Church History and Art," featuring art and artifacts that commemorate Latter-day Saint heritage and belief, through Sept. 13.

Nativo (353 W. 200 South, 531-8555) -- Contemporary interpretations of antique Victorian jewelry by Cheryl Elliot.

Oasis Cafe -- Golden Braid Books (151 S. 500 East, 322-1162) -- "Pathways," watercolors and color pencil drawings.

Original Way Gallery (33 W. Center, North Salt Lake) -- Watercolors of local artist Denise Brown will be on display through the end of March.

Petersen Art Center Gallery (1025 E. 2100 South, 467-5444) -- "The Accent is on Design," featuring watercolors by Bonnie Merrill, through April 21.

Phillips Gallery* (444 E. 200 South, 364-8284) -- "Fever," featuring the paintings of Bonnie Sucec and Maureen O'Hara Ure, through April 9.

Red Gallery (Artspace Rubber Company, 353 W. 200 South, #407, 533-8744) -- Works by Lance Clayton, Billy Fever, Tessa Mecham, Ben Fox, Sri Whipple, Sean Graff, Erik Ostling, Martin Novak, Teresa Flowers and Heather Barron.

Repartee Gallery* (Valley Fair Mall, 955-1224) -- Introducing work by Bob Byerley, G. Harvey and William Phillips.

Salt Lake Art Center* (20 S. West Temple) -- Main gallery: "Behind the Lines: Drawing and Objects by Michael David Hall" through April 3.

Sego Gallery (637 E. 500 South, 328-9848) -- Group show with works by Kathy Wilson, Ken Baxter and Sam Collett.

Silvertip Gallery (664 Union Square, Sandy, 571-9504) -- Ongoing exhibition of sculpture by William L. Jorgensen, Dee Jorgensen, R.L. Blair, Victor Reece, Avard Fairbanks and Shawn Beeler.

SoHo Gallery (142 E. 800 South, 521-8189) -- "Landscape and Work on Paper," Original paintings and prints by Hessam, Laliberte, Richardson and Sang Chol. Show will run until March.

Southam Gallery (50 E. Broadway, 322-0376) -- "Painting Utah's Grand Landscape," group show.

Thomas Kinkade Signature Gallery (627 Trolley Square) -- Exclusively showing Kinkade's works. His original painting, "Bridge of Faith," is on exhibit, as well as other limited edition canvases and paper images.

Thomas Kinkade Showcase Gallery (Gardner Village, 1100 W. 7800 South, West Jordan, 255-3004) -- Specializes in custom-framed Thomas Kinkade art and collectibles. Exhibit ongoing.

Twiggs & Moore Art Gallery (Gardner Historic Village, 1095 W. 7800 South, West Jordan, 255-3004) -- Works by Greg Olsen, James Christensen, Arnold Friberg, Nancy Glazier and more. Exhibit ongoing.

Union Gallery (Olpin Student Union, University of Utah, 245 University Union, 581-7469) -- "Breaking Boundaries," an exhibit featuring artists Rebecca Campbell, Trish Empey,Dayna Kerns, Lenka Konopasek, Alison Perreault and Suzanne Simpson.

University Hospital (Medical Drive, second floor) -- Chinese Jades from the Utah Museum of Fine Arts through April 25.

Urban Arts Gallery (Second floor, Trolley Square, 322-3111) -- Group show with Karl Pace, Tom Mulder, Richard Murray and Jim Stewart.

Utah Museum of Fine Art* (University of Utah, South Campus Drive, 581-7332) --"Canvases from the Collection of Dan and Susan Berman" through Aug. 8. Also, "Winter Celebrations" through April 2. Also, "The Val A. Browning Memorial Collection of 500 Years of European Masterworks," featuring paintings by Brueghel, Gainsborough, Fragonard, Corot, Van Dyke, Vigee Le Brun and many others. The exhibit will run indefinitely.

Williams Fine Art* (Main Lobby, Eagle Gate Plaza, 60 E. South Temple, 534-0331) -- Several pieces by Utah UPA artist Howell Rosenbaum. Also, works by early Utah artists including John Hafen, J.T. Harwood, LeConte Stewart, Maynard Dixon and others.


Artists' Gallery (95 E. Telegraph St., St. George, 628-9293) -- Patricia Mayfield is the featured artist for the month of March.

Bountiful/Davis Art Center (745 S. Main, Bountiful, 292-0367) -- Statewide exhibition on display until April 3.

Braithwaite Fine Arts Gallery (Southern Utah University, Cedar City, 586-5432) -- "Westward Bound: A Celebration of Book Arts in the West" through April 16.

Brigham City Museum-Gallery (24 N. 300 West, Brigham City, 723- 6769) -- The Juried High School Art Exhibit, featuring student work from Box Elder and Cache counties, through March 31.

Central Utah Arts Center (86 N. Main, Ephraim, 1-435-283-5110) -- Peter L Gross' photographic exhibition featuring Sanpete's sheep culture will be on display until March 30.

The Coda Gallery (804 Main, Park City, 655-3803) -- "Group Show," featuring David Dornan, Chris Young, Brad Aldridge, Paul and Silvia Davis, Ray Hare, Patty Kimball, Ron Richmond, Doug Himes, A.D. Shaw, Dennis Smith and many more. The gallery also shows jewelry, glasswork and fabrics.

Fairview Museum of History & Art (85 N. 100 East, Fairview, 427-9216) -- Artists Rick Graham, Steven Case, Virginia Lewis Hall, Marina Alexandrescu, Robert Carawan, Mabel Frazer, Steven Sheffield, Lenka Konopasek, Theodore Milton Wassmer, Max Blain, Dale Peel, Gay Nickle Lauritzen, Jon Rappleye, Benson Whittle, John Alan Nyberg, John Heber Stansfield, Lee Udall Bennion, Avard Fairbanks, James C. Christensen, Lee Deffebach, and others through April.

Flat Rabbit Gallery (421 Main, Park City, 435-649-2155) -- Paintings by Pilar Pobil, David Montanoro, Jan Perkins and Guy Buffets. Exhibit ongoing.

Meyer Gallery (305 Main, Park City, 649-8160) -- "Heritage of the West Collectors Show," featuring work by Michael Coleman, George Smith, D. Michael Thomas, Kimbal Warren, Karl Thomas and more, through April.

Monte L. Bean Life Science Museum (Brigham Young University) -- "Natures Art Show," featuring painting, sculpture and woodcarving, through April 24.

Museum of Art (Brigham Young University, North Campus Drive, Provo, 378-2787) -- "Frames of Beauty: Examining the Eye of the Beholder," featuring selected works from BYU's permanent collection, through July 30. Also, "Art on Wheels: A Century of American Automobile Design," featuring outstanding cars and highlights and design innovations throughout the century, through April 7. Also, "Colorprint USA," featuring prints from 50 artists from each state, through April. The BYU art department faculty show, featuring painting, sculpture, ceramics, illustration, graphic design and computer imagery, will run through May 19. And "150 Years of American Painting," artwork from BYU's permanent collection, on display through August.

Myra Powell Gallery (Union Station, 2501 Wall Ave., Ogden, 629-8444) -- "Stories of Earth, Sea and Sky," featuring ceramics by Edwin Napia, Kent Barton, Robyn Baum and Jeff Americas, as well as paintings by Joe Ostroff, collage work by Will Varner, and graphic arts by Radfor Cuch. Exhibit runs through April 5.

National Wildlife Art Museum (2820 Rungius Road, Jackson Hole, Wyo., 1-307-773-5771) -- "Visions of Nature: John James Audubon." An exhibition of works on paper through April 4.

Old Town Gallery (444 Main, Park City, 645-7724) -- Sculptor Richard Erdman's work will be on display through April.

Park City Gallery (592 Main, Park City, 649-4514) -- Oils by Gary Smith and Steve McGinty and pastels by Yugoslavian artist Marinko Cetvei.

Springville Museum of Art (126 E. 400 South, Springville, 489-2727) -- "All State High School Art Show," featuring work from Utah high school students, through March 31.

St. George Art Museum (47 E. 200 North, St. George, 634-5942) -- "Fiber Art of Dixie," an exhibition by the Dixie Quilt Museum, will run through May 1. Also, Lee Udall Bennion's paintings and drawings will be on display through April 24.

Taminah Gallery (608 Main, Park City, 655-3264) -- Continuing exhibit of works by Jim Wilcox, William Reese, Walt Gonske, John Encinias, Zhang Wen Xin, Veryl Goodnight, Sandy Scoot, Joseph Bohler, Shirley Thompson Smith, Dean Mitchell, Kirk Randle and Lowell Ellsworth Smith.

Torrey Gallery (80 E. Main, Torrey, 425-3909) -- Works by artists who live in or are influenced by the Capitol Reef area: Doug Snow, Tony Smith, Paul Davis, Sylvia Davis, Wulf Barsch, Bonnie Posselli, Carol Brown, Patricia Kimball, Doug Braithwaite, David Muench, John Telford, Susan Beck, Scott Peterson and Lyman Whitaker.

West Light Images (550 Main St., Park City, 1-435-645-8414) -- Nature photography by David C. Schultz.

Worthington Gallery (789 Zion Park Blvd., Springdale, 435-772-3446) -- Pottery by Greg Worthington, Jim Stewart, Bruce Larrabee and Suzanne Storer. Also, paintings by Willamarie Huelskamp and sculptures by Lyman Whitaker.


The Utah Arts Council announces a call for entries for its annual art competition scheduled to open June 24 and run through July 30. For information and entry form, call the UAC at 801-533-4195.

The Springville Museum of Art is announcing a call for entries for the 75th Annual Spring Salon. All Utah artists may enter in painting, drawing, mixed media, printmaking, sculpture and installation or assemblages. Artwork must be received at the museum from April 6-10. For entry form and more information, call 801-489-2739.

The Utah Watercolor Society announces a call for entries for its annual "Open Show" to be held at the SoHo Gallery in Salt Lake City. All members of the Society and Utah residents are eligible to enter. Slides are due by April 1. Exhibit will run from June 1-30. For entry forms and information, call 944-9132 or 942-8291.

The Leftbank Gallery announces a call for entries for its "Small Works Art Competition." All residents of the United States, age 18 or older, are eligible to enter original 2D or 3D artwork no larger than 13 by 13 by 3 inches. Deadline for entry is June 15. For entry form and information send a #10 SASE to Leftbank/Comp., 242 S. 200 West, Salt Lake City, UT 84101.

The Bountiful/Davis Art Center is accepting applications from artists wishing to exhibit at the center in the year 2000. For information and application, call 801-292-0367 or write to BDAC, 745 S. Main, Bountiful, UT 84010. Deadline for applications is May 14.

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The Arts for the Parks announces a call for entries for its 13th Annual Arts for the Parks Competition. Open to all artists, the deadline for entries is June 1. For information, rules and forms, write to Arts for the Parks, P.O. Box 608, Jackson Hole, WY 83001, or visit their website at

Riverton Art Council's "Hands on Art" festival is accepting entries for the Aug. 28 celebration. Each artist is allowed only one entry per category with $2 fee per entry. The deadline is July 28. For information, call Camie Lloyd at 580-7200.

Leftbank "National Small Works Annual Competition," now accepting all media, 13 by 13 inch wall-hung entries. Artists must be 18 years or older. There is a $25 fee for three works. For two additional pieces there will be an additional $5 for each. The award will be an exhibition. For PROS, send #10 SASE to Leftbank/Comp., 242 S. 200 West, Salt Lake City, UT 84101.

The Utah Arts Festival is accepting applications from visual artists interested in participating in the 1999 event. This year the festival will be held in downtown Salt Lake. There will be 125 booth spaces available. Artists interested in participating may pick up applications from the Utah Arts Festival office, 331 W. Pierpont Ave. For more information, call 1-801-322-2428 or visit the Utah Arts Festival's Web site at

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