In this fast paced society we have, there is often little time for personal pursuits, such as family, education and reading. The other day, I found a person, busily pursuing one of these on the freeway. (Or rather concrete gutter that we call I-15.) He was reading!

Of all the people to be reading on the freeway, he was the one to be doing it. Any man capable of reading while operating a several thousand pound vehicle, while traveling at tremendous speeds, and only a few feet from certain death those concrete walls pose, deserves to be able to do what ever he wants with his time.To see him lag behind and then speed up to tailgate, swerve and then switch lanes and later pull out a cell phone, did my heart good. We are ever moving closer to the perfect society while people of this caliber so fearlessly take their lives into their own hands -- as well mine!

Jacob Skousen

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