Location: El Principado de Las Lomas de Urdesa North in Guayaquil.
Temple presidency: President, J. Lynn Shawcroft; first counselor, Scott H. Taggart; second counselor, Felix Viteri.Rooms: Four ordinance rooms, three sealing rooms.
Dimensions: 76 feet by 154 feet; 45,000 square feet.
Construction information: Architects, Rafael Velez Calisto, Architects & Consultants; Contractor: Inmomariuxi; exterior finish, granite.
District: Ecuador, 32 stakes.
Schedule: Opened Aug. 3, 1999, with nine sessions daily and eight on Saturday, starting on the hour.
Pertinent Facts: Announced March 31, 1982; open house, June 23-July 5, 1999; 108,000 people attended; dedicated in eight sessions Aug. 1-2, 1999, by President Gordon B. Hinckley.