I am a resident of West Jordan, and I was appalled to read that four of our City Council members requested the resignation of our elected mayor. I believe that maybe those members should resign. When I voted for Mayor Evans, I wanted a change in our city government. And I felt that if Mr. Atkinson were to become mayor, business would be as usual, especially since his wife was assistant city manager. If I wanted all my City Council members and my mayor to agree with what the city manager and the hired employees wanted, it would be a lot cheaper to purchase a rubber stamp than to pay these elected officials.
Now I would like to address the gossip, rumors and innuendoes. I have noticed that the same four council members will blackball and find ways to force other members to resign if they are not of the same mind-set. (The two members previously targeted were Mike DeMaas and Dave Plouzek.)Grow up; remember you were hired to monitor how our money is spent. Which brings to mind the $6 million soccer complex project, of which only $1 million went out for bid. What happened? Don't forget the $700,000 sewer line that was not taken to the City Council for approval.
Change is hard to accept, but character assassination is not the answer. The allegations I read in the paper do not warrant a resignation. Occasional consumption of alcohol and going to Wendover are not reasons for dismissal. I know that other City Council members have missed meetings. Mr. Pitts, last year was a rough year for you, wasn't it?
Our city is changing, and you had better accept the changes, or may I suggest you resign, City Council. If you are embarrassed by what the media is finding out about our fair city, clean up your act and do what you were hired for.
Mayor Evans, keep up the good work.
Sandra Coffman
West Jordan