A national magazine has given high rankings to seven Utah school districts for their preparation of students for the work force.
The rankings were made by Expansion Management Magazine in its annual Education Quotient report. The awards were based on graduation percentages, school resources and community factors.There are about 8,500 secondary school districts in the United States with enrollments of at least 700. Each year, the magazine evaluates about 15 percent of those, giving them a score of up to 150 points.
The Utah districts were cited for high graduation rates and scores on college entrance exams. They did not fare so well on the community's financial commitment to education. Utah has the lowest per-pupil spending in the country and among the highest class sizes.
The districts gained ground for levels of affluence and adult education because of Utah's high number of college graduates. The report said children of college graduates do better than children whose parents have only a high school diploma.
Under those criteria, Provo School District earned a Gold Medal, placing it in the top 15 percent nationwide. Earning Blue Ribbon designations, and placing in the top third of the nation, were Salt Lake City, Davis, Granite, Jordan, Alpine and Washington. The Ogden School District was rated only "good, solid."
Provo's final quotient was 122. Provo School Board President Mossi White attributes the high ranking to excellent teachers.
"They foster in our students an attitude of accomplishment and learning. That pays off and makes a difference," he said.
Since part of the education quotient is based on adult education in the community, it helps that Provo is home to Brigham Young University.
"Our patrons are very education-oriented and supportive of education," White said.
Scoring lowest among Utah schools was Ogden City School District with a quotient of 89.
"This kind of national recognition enhances our effort in convincing businesses to consider a relocation or expansion to Utah," said Michael M. Lawson, president and CEO of the Economic Development Corporation of Utah, a private, nonprofit organization that works to increase quality job growth in the state.