During the year 2000, young women from throughout the Church have commemorated the Young Women Worldwide Celebration theme, "Stand as a Witness," based on Mosiah 18:9, which is also the theme of the culminating activity held on or about Nov. 26 in stakes and districts. Below are several accounts of how these young people have been standing as witnesses by bearing testimony, keeping the commandments, setting good examples and serving others.


Standing as a witness begins in the home, as exemplified by Tanya Ashby, 16, of the Lasalle Ward, Montreal Quebec Mt. Royale Stake. Tanya's mother joined the Church when her daughter was about 3 years old, but they were less active for several years. The tall young woman remembers how, when she was about 12, they had a persistent home teacher whose daughter, Rebecca Kaufman, had just started seminary. "He visited even though we didn't go to Church. All of a sudden, I wanted to go back [to Church]. I told my mom I was going to seminary. That Sunday I went to Church and I've been going there since. After I walked in, I knew this was where I wanted to be."


Jill Kruckenberg discovered standing as a witness doesn't always bring immediate blessings — except peace of mind. The 17-year-old member of the Wahpeton Ward, Fargo North Dakota Stake, related the following in a letter to the Church News:

"My high school did a musical in November, like they do every fall. I was excited to audition this year, because I thought that I would get a big part in the play, and I did. I have had lots of experience in drama since I've been in the high school plays for the past two years. One day, the drama director asked to see me. He asked me if I could be in the musical on Sunday, because he had decided to do a matinee this year, in contrast to the years previous. I thought about my decision. If I said no, the cast would have to be changed, and I would lose my part. I knew my decision long before I was asked. I said no, I could not perform on Sunday. I could tell he was disappointed, but he said that was all right, and that was the end of the conversation.

"The next day, the cast of the play was posted. I looked to where I was, and what part I had been given. I was put in the chorus, the smallest part in the play. I couldn't be in any of the dancing groups, and I couldn't even have one line of a solo, since I would not be there to perform on Sunday, but I knew I did the right thing. I knew that if I said yes just this one time, I would fail to do my part in standing as a witness.

"I was blessed by my decision, because having a small part in the musical gave me more time with my family, school work and Church activities, rather than spending most of my time at play practice or memorizing lines."


Fifteen-year-old Gloria Pak of the Los Angeles (Calif.) 2nd (Korean) Branch believes in reaching out beyond the walls of her Church and home. The straight-A student from Crescenta Valley High School volunteers each week at Verdugo Hills Hospital, with her duties including taking nutrition to patients, delivering specimens to the lab, working as a cashier in the hospital cafeteria, and transferring and discharging patients.

"It is a good experience," she said. "You set a good example by helping in the community. It shows others that you can help out, without getting a reward."



The Young Women program provides young women living throughout Africa in many walks of life a sense of unity and acceptance. For example, Womba Makuwa of the Windhoek Branch in Namibia wrote: "I know with a surety of knowledge that our Heavenly Father lives and loves each and every one of us. I am grateful for the atonement of Jesus Christ. I know and believe that the Book of Mormon is true. I love being in Young Women and I will surely miss the times I've spent with the Young Women. I am going to Relief Society soon.

"I am so grateful that I was able to get sealed to my family in the temple and had the opportunity to perform baptisms for the dead. I look forward to going to the temple and being married there and sealed to my family one day. The gospel has helped me become a better person and helps me stay away from temptations."

From the Johannesburg South Africa Stake, Young Women President Mary-Anne Casanova wrote about activities, including Young Women camps, held during the year. "The year 2000 has been a year which has reflected great progress amongst our youth and numbers in the stake have multiplied significantly. The spirit at both stake Young Women's camps was fantastic. The camp in the Johannesburg area was held at a beautiful campsite called Suikerbosrand — it was bitterly cold as we all hiked up a mountain at 5:30 a.m. As we walked we pondered on the beauty and the miracle of God's creation. On reaching the summit, we all enjoyed our pre-packed breakfasts, which had been individually packed for each sister with much love from each ward. The unity among the sisters was great."

For their culminating activity, Sister Casanova said the young women will "present a cantata in which wonderful hymns will be sung, testimonies will be borne, poetry will be read and spiritual experiences will be shared. The young women will stand up and invite the Spirit of the Lord as they sing praises to Him."


Young Women from the Cardston 6th Ward, Cardston Alberta Stake, set a goal last January that during the year 2000, they would jointly complete 2,000 temple ordinances by doing baptisms, confirmations, or baby-sitting free of change so adults in the ward could do endowments and sealings.

At New Beginnings on Jan. 25, the young women were encouraged to honor the theme "Stand as a Witness" by being worthy to attend the temple.

Jan Bracha, ward Beehive adviser, wondered if the goal was too ambitious. But by August, three months before the deadline set for the Young Women Worldwide Celebration in November, it was attained. She estimates that young women in her ward have now completed more than 2,500 temple ordinances.

"It is amazing," said Sister Bracha, noting that this Young Women group has formed a strong bond with one another. "I have to believe it has something to do with this temple goal," she said.

Young women in the Cardston 2nd and 8th wards, Cardston Alberta West Stake, have also completed more than 2,000 temple ordinances.

"They love to go to the temple," said Stacey Atwood, a member of the 2nd Ward Young Women presidency, of the 26 young women in her ward. "There has been a great commitment this year to go as often as possible."

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Kim Vadnais, 15, said she loves the feeling she gets in the temple. "It is so [wonderful] being close to my Heavenly Father," she said.

Sister Atwood said attending the temple has influenced other areas of the teens' lives. "They work harder on personal progress," she said. "They want to have a temple recommend. They recognize the Spirit of the Lord in the temple and they want it in their lives."

Heather Harris, 12, said she loves to feel the Spirit in the temple. "Going to the temple lifts your spirit up and makes you want to go often."

— Sarah Jane Weaver contributed to this article.

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