I want to commend your editorial staff and newspaper for taking such a strong, unequivocal stand against Private Fuel Storage's proposal to ship the spent nuclear fuel rods of eight out-of-state nuclear power companies into Utah.
The claim made by PFS that there is "growing support" for their plan among the Utah public is an outright lie, which not only totally disregards the rapidly growing opposition to the proposal but also casts doubt on the veracity of all other claims made by the company regarding safety and environmental issues.
Further, you are absolutely right in your skepticism that the Skull Valley storage site will be "temporary." Once Utah lets this hazardous waste into the state and stockpiles it over 20 years, with a likely 20-year extension, there ain't no way this will be temporary.
So, congratulations to you, to Gov. Leavitt and the many grass-roots organizations fighting this nuclear-waste proposal. Keep it up.
Keller Higbee
Salt Lake City