The same words that the vice president used to describe the Republican Social Security reform plan, "risky scheme," seems appropriate in describing what the Gore camp is now engaged in. I would add dangerous, divisive, destabilizing and disingenuous to the meaning of the phrase. Don't be surprised if the Supreme Court rules against the Gore camp and they then appeal to the U.N. court.
Sen. Hatch was right when he said that the single most important issue in this election was the appointment of judges by the next president. Both sides are keenly aware of this, and that is why Mr. Gore will not concede. After watching the Florida Supreme Court literally rewrite the law (not interpret) while ignoring the clear language of the statute, it is clear why the Gore camp must win. After all, if they cannot govern by judicial fiat, they will lose power.
Can we, the American people, not now see — as the Founding Fathers alluded to — that this Constitution was written for a moral people? It is imperative that we seek after just and honorable men and women to lead us. For we know that the Constitution can technically and legally be used and abused by power-seeking individuals of questionable integrity for purposes not in the best interest of this nation or its people.
D.L. Schmeidler