Legislative standing committee meetings scheduled for Friday morning at the Utah State Capitol:
House Committees
Judiciary Committee, 8 a.m., Room 223:
-- Judgments lien revision (HB256)
-- Attorney lien law (HB150)
-- Adoption act amendments (SB124)
Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Committee, 9 a.m., Room 225:
-- Damage to or interruption of communication device (SB36)
-- Jail release amendments (HB83)
-- Weapons amendments (HB95)
Transportation Committee, 8:30 a.m., Room 405:
-- Off-highway vehicle use (HB277)
-- Uninsured motorist database reauthorization (SB6)
-- Uninsured motorist database amendments (SB40)
-- Utilities in highway rights-of-way (SB78)
Senate Committees
Human Services Committee, 9:30 a.m., Room 416:
-- Amendments to public assistance (HB29)
Revenue and Taxation Committee, 8 a.m., Room 414:
-- Property tax -- governing body and voter approval (SB156)
-- Blindness prevention checkoff (HB33)
-- Information technology infrastructure innovation program (HB167)
-- Classroom supplies (HB189)
State and Local Affairs Committee, 9:15 a.m., Room 403:
-- County boundary changes (HB49)
-- Appropriation for land use planning (HB240)
-- Resolution on use of Devereaux Mansion (SCR3)