TAYLORSVILLE -- A 17-year-old boy was hospitalized Thursday after suffering a gunshot wound to the chest.
About 8:20 p.m. a motorist saw Tommy Lee Long, Kearns, staggering eastbound towards Redwood Road on 4800 South. The boy flagged the motorist down and told her he'd been shot. The woman said she refused to take Long to the hospital without first calling police. But Long told the woman that he didn't want her to phone authorities, so she left him, Salt Lake County Sheriff's deputy Peggy Faulkner said.Long then staggered to a gas station, 4804 S. Redwood Road, where a clerk was just closing the store. The clerk took him inside and called 911, Faulkner said.
He was taken by medical helicopter to University Hospital, but the hospital declined to release information about Long's condition Friday. The refusal is at the request of police, who have safety concerns, hospital spokesman John Dwan said.
Police were still trying to pinpoint exactly where the shooting took place Friday morning. Prior to going to the hospital, Long indicated to deputies he may have known his assailants, Faulkner said. The shooting is believed to be gang-related, she said.
Three men were detained by deputies Thursday night at a convenience store, 4100 S. Redwood, and questioned about the shooting, but it was determined they were not involved. One of the three was carrying a concealed weapon, however, and was arrested, Faulkner said.