My beloved sister, Adele Francis Yost High died on March 12, 2000 in Bountiful, Utah.
She was born on a farm in Iowa on October 9, 1916 to Adele J. Tudell and Leopold Antonio Yost. Adele was a marvelous designer and seamstress. Many of her beaded coats are considered museum pieces. She created two fashion shows a year held at the Salt Lake Masonic Temple, de-signing and sewing all of the clothing and most of the hats and accessories. She was a marvelous dancer and taught Hindu and exotic dances. Her choreography was outstanding. She designed and sewed all of the costumes and headdresses for her Lybia Temple Dancers whom she led and taught for 47 years. Adele was still dancing. Adele was a fifty year member of Lybia Temple No. 32, Daughters of the Nile. She also belonged to Iris Court No. 47, Ladies Oriental Shrine of North America, Mizpah Chapter No. 5 and Bethsaida Chapter No. 22, Order of the Eastern Star, the Medical Gray Berets, Weber County Medical Auxiliary and Davis County Medical Auxiliary. Adele loved to garden. She was famous for her vegetables. Everything she touched seemed to grow. She loved cats and never turned a stray cat away. She was such a beautiful person and all her friends will miss her greatly.She is survived by her sister, Helen Marceli and her brother-in-law, Walter Marceli. Adele was married to Dr. H.T. High for 47 years. He preceded her in death.
Funeral services will be held Tuesday, March 14, 2000 at 1 p.m. at the Russon Brothers Bountiful Mortuary, 295 North Main.
Interment, Bountiful City Cemetery.